variable frequency sinewave to square wave convertor circuits

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here ive installed 2 various , variable frequency sine wave to square wave convertor circuits , there is 2 variation circuits inside the newly finished pvc circuit box , the flasher leds come on but wont flash till i adjust the frequency to a certain degree then they come one so if im using the 1st variation sine wave to square wave convertor circuit the flasher led for that circuit will come on like a normal led and when i adjust it it then kicks in and starts flashing, this then spikes that output and behind that circuit at the back is a black neg and 2 red outputs one is filtered if you like it cleaner and the other is unfiltered if you like your signal dirty so theres lots of experiments you can do, and if your obsessed with a clean signals just so it looks good on ya scope then you have unfiltered dirty signal output to play and experiment with
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if your wondering what i mean by spike the output well for more than 20 years ive been testing nine volts batteries put putting my tounge on the terminals to feel the charge now with the output converted from sine wave to square wave if i tested it the same way put putting the outputs to my tounge you can feel the voltage spikes
