Unity Mega Man Tutorial - 30 Weapons Menu

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The long awaited Weapons Menu is finally here! It's sort of been a work in progress for the last couple months but now it's ready and holds the slot of video #30. MegaMan needs a way to be able to select from his available weapons while hiding the ones he doesn't have. The menu will animate (tile-in) when activated and you pick between the weapons by pressing the up or down keys. While the menu is open the player score, HUD energy bars, enemies, weapons, bonus items, and explosions will all hide themselves. In the menu the highlighted weapon will have its letter flash in white while the other letters stay static blue. Menu energy bars will show the current amount available to its respective weapon. Upon exiting the menu it'll animate (tile-out) and return to the game play and restore the hidden objects. Depending on the stage level the menu will display a corresponding palette and I included the option of using a custom one if you don't want to use any of the predefined ones.

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