James Blunt-Smoke Signals

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James Blunt-Smoke Signals
One by one they pass me by
And I've used up my supplies
Out of water, out of hope
Can't make fire, only smoke
يكى يكى از كنارم رد ميشن و ميرن
همه ى ذخيرم هم تموم كردم
نه آب دارم ، نه اميد
نميتونم آتيش روشن كنم، فقط دود راه ميندازم
Here I am alone in silence
Castaway on a desert island
A traveller in an ocean lost at sea
اينجا تنها تو سكوت نشستم
تو يه جزيره ى متروك دورافتادم
يه مسافر اقيانوس كه ته يه دريا گم شده
Smoke signals in the night sky
Hope you see them as you pass by
I'm screaming from the cliff top
You're the only one I've got to rescue me, to rescue me
Why can't you see? Why can't you see?
I don't think that I'll survive
I'll die here without you
Oh, I can't live without you
سيگنال دود تو آسمون تاريك شب
اميدوارم همينطورى كه رد ميشى ببينيشون
دارم از بالاى صخره فرياد ميزنم
تو تنها كسى هستى كه دارم ، كه نجاتم بده. نجاتم بده
چرا نميتونى ببينى،
فكر نميكنم دوام بيارم
اينجا بدون تو ميميرم، آه ، بى تو نميتونم زندگى كنم
The sun comes up, the sun goes down
Wonder if I'll ever be found?
خورشيد مياد بالا و دوباره غروب ميكنه
موندم بالاخره كسى پيدام ميكنه؟
Here I am alone in silence
Castaway on a desert island
A traveller in an ocean lost at sea
Smoke signals in the night sky
Hope you see them as you pass by
I'm screaming from the cliff top
You're the only one I've got to rescue me, to rescue me
Why can't you see? Why can't you see?
I don't think that I'll survive
I'll die here without you
Oh, I can't live without you
James Blunt-Smoke Signals
One by one they pass me by
And I've used up my supplies
Out of water, out of hope
Can't make fire, only smoke
يكى يكى از كنارم رد ميشن و ميرن
همه ى ذخيرم هم تموم كردم
نه آب دارم ، نه اميد
نميتونم آتيش روشن كنم، فقط دود راه ميندازم
Here I am alone in silence
Castaway on a desert island
A traveller in an ocean lost at sea
اينجا تنها تو سكوت نشستم
تو يه جزيره ى متروك دورافتادم
يه مسافر اقيانوس كه ته يه دريا گم شده
Smoke signals in the night sky
Hope you see them as you pass by
I'm screaming from the cliff top
You're the only one I've got to rescue me, to rescue me
Why can't you see? Why can't you see?
I don't think that I'll survive
I'll die here without you
Oh, I can't live without you
سيگنال دود تو آسمون تاريك شب
اميدوارم همينطورى كه رد ميشى ببينيشون
دارم از بالاى صخره فرياد ميزنم
تو تنها كسى هستى كه دارم ، كه نجاتم بده. نجاتم بده
چرا نميتونى ببينى،
فكر نميكنم دوام بيارم
اينجا بدون تو ميميرم، آه ، بى تو نميتونم زندگى كنم
The sun comes up, the sun goes down
Wonder if I'll ever be found?
خورشيد مياد بالا و دوباره غروب ميكنه
موندم بالاخره كسى پيدام ميكنه؟
Here I am alone in silence
Castaway on a desert island
A traveller in an ocean lost at sea
Smoke signals in the night sky
Hope you see them as you pass by
I'm screaming from the cliff top
You're the only one I've got to rescue me, to rescue me
Why can't you see? Why can't you see?
I don't think that I'll survive
I'll die here without you
Oh, I can't live without you