¿Es la INDIA TAN POBRE por culpa del REINO UNIDO? - VisualEconomik
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A. M. Serajuddin (1978), The Salt Monopoly of the East India Company's Government in Bengal
Banerjee, Abhijit, and Lakshmi Iyer (2005), History, Institutions, and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land Tenure Systems in India.
Dan Bogart and Latika Chaudhary (2013), Engines of Growth: The Productivity Advance of Indian Railways, 1874–1912
David Clingingsmith, Jeffrey G. Williamson (2008), Deindustrialization in 18th and 19th century India: Mughal decline, climate shocks and British industrial ascent
Ewout Frankema (2010), Raising Revenue in the British Empire, 1870–1940: How Extractive were Colonial Taxes?
Lakshmi Iyer (2010); Direct versus Indirect Colonial Rule in India: Long-Term Consequences
Latika Chaudhary (2009), Determinants of Primary Schooling in British India
Shashi Tharoor (2016), An Era of Darkness
Stephen Broadberry, Johann Custodis, Bishnupriya Gupta (2015), India and the great divergence: An Anglo-Indian comparison of GDP per capita, 1600–1871
Tirthankar Roy (2018), State Capacity and the Economic History of Colonial India
Tirthankar Roy (2011), Economic History of India, 1857-1947
William Dalrymple (2019), The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire