Epic Games Store Exclusives Making TONS of Money - Inside Gaming Roundup

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HEY LISTEN! Now that I have your attention, huge apologies for the last minute of the audio cutting out, had an export issue that I didn't catch cause I wasn't being careful enough :'( Here's Brian's masterly words that were cut from this video:

"With the living, dead, disease and famine as constant threats, you have countless ways to tackle these dangers.

Face the undead guns blazing or learn all the ways to sneak and hide among them.

Take on missions from different factions and survivors to earn valuable resources.

Risk life and limb to protect those in need or brutally murder anyone who stands in your way.

See how your choices affect the people of New Orleans, and learn to live with the consequences.

It’s coming to Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Vive Cosmos and Windows Mixed reality on Jan 23. It’s also due out later on PSVR."

and then he says he loves u all very very much! Thanks for your guys' patience!



that awkward moment when Brian's voice suddenly cuts out mid video. 11:46


I'm calling bullshit on Epic's statement. They already had over 100 Million accounts before the exclusives thanks to Fortnite.

The numbers are turned to look better than they are. "third-party game revenue in 2019 is roughly 60% higher than our initial forecast" what is your forecast? They won't give us details of course but neither will Valve.
"exclusives currently account for 90% of all new EGS releases". EGS sells ALMOST ONLY exclusives so that irrelevant. It's like Steam saying 100% of Half Life was sold on Steam when it's the only place you can play it.
“have driven the majority of revenue so far”. Revenue from what? Third party games? Everybody know that over 50% of the EGS revenue comes from Fortnite. Their own numbers say it. They say 680 million $ spent in the EGS and right next to it 251 million $ on third party. That's 37%.
"EGS has also seen good performances from non-exclusive titles launched across multiple storefronts" Again, compared to what? GameStop?

Take 251 millions and divide by 40$, that 6 275 000 copies sold (and I'm generous). Their are 9 "most popular" games. NINE!!! That's roughly 697 000 copies per game! It's not that much especially if you take into account that Borderlands 3 probably sold much better than the others, reducing their number of copies sold.

Edits are the look of the text since what you type and the way YouTube presents it are different... and maybe some spelling errors.


"exclusives make up 90% of game sales because when a developer won't accept exclusivity we refuse to allow them to sell on our store"


108M pc customers spent $251M on non-Epic games... So the average EGS user spent about $2.32? Doesn't sound like exclusives are "Making TONS of Money".


You didn't mention the whole Mechwarrior 5 thing and how Epic screwed everyone on that. I preordered the game on steam, only to find out months later that they decided to make it an Epic Exclusive and not tell anyone. The game came out in December and I'm still waiting on mine since I refuse to get it on epic and it wont be released anywhere else until next December. I only hope that they still honor my Steam preorder that I paid for when the time comes.


Interesting that the EGS stats didn't show how much they spent on exclusive games... Can't really say if they did profit or not


the Epic Games Store has less total users after a year than the Switch had after a month, and it's *_free_*


That five-second review was perfect. It told me everything I needed to know and was superbly informative. And also thematic. Can’t forget thematic.


Why do I feel like EGS pushing for exclusivity and offering free games is just a way for them to make you forget that their platform is severely lacking in features?


It’s my one year anniversary of not using Epic Game store. Looking forward to my next year of EPS free


who is this brian guy? i miss the highly intelligent mobile compact computer


Uhm, aren't like 95% of the games on EGS exclusives? So I fail to see how pointing out exclusive numbers as a bar, when there isn't really anything to compare it with... There's like 5 games or so that aren't exclusive.

Also I don't trust any of Epic's numbers, so games are getting a lot of money, now is that including the huge up front check that the games are getting or is that just through sales. I want to know how many games a game has sold, money earned doesn't tell me anything because it's skewed because of the large check. And even if Epic released numbers I wouldn't trust them, as there is no way to verify that they aren't inflating their numbers.


Mosaic sounds like my life without the strange thing.


Well I'm still patiently waiting for the Steam releases of Metro Exodus and Control. I have my principles and Epic won't get my money.


Gotta love how everyone in this comment section acts like they're industry experts who know everything


I have been doing video production for over 18 years and I occasionally make this mistake too. I rarely watch my exports because I’ve already seen every part of the video 1, 000 times and I just want to be done with it. We all make mistakes.


Thing is, EGS is scummy not only to consumer nowadays but also indie devs that don't want to comply with Epic's demand. "No exclusive? Don't hope to sell your game here, fucker"


They're counting people who have spent ZERO DOLLARS as 'customers'. You register the free games, they count you as a 'customer'.


So the average Epic customer spent $6.30 in first year?
