writing a song in 30 minutes - SONGWRITING CHALLENGE

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Weekly Songwriting Challenge 5 (WS#5). This week's songwriting challenge is a timed challenge. I am going to attempt to write a song in 30 minutes. Working to a deadline is a great way to get things done which is why this could be a good challenge to try as a songwriting challenge. But, is 30 minutes to write a song enough time?

Don't have a guitar and want to find a good affordable instrument to get started on.......
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can you do how to play guitar like the stone roses


Very good mate just a couple of words in the lyrics where it just did not seem to fit but overall for a 30 min song very good


You lost your hat again you gone missing I'm going to send out a search party lol hope you're ok mate how's baby and missis I've had a break through well kind of I made a sound with a bar chord that almost sounded like a and a d almost not great but something and most off the time tryed power chords what a laugh that was complete disaster
