Why groups of three friends don't often work out; When you feel left out

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What do you do if you feel like the other two people in your group of three pals are closer? I would distance yourself from them. The one who is your real friend will see the other person's true colors and come back. In the mean time, meet new people, and develop new friendships.
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I have try to just join in the conversation but it's like talking to yourself as if you talking to a wall because 2 people are talking and didn't seem to hear you so you don't talk at all in the group of 3


I always feel like the 3rd friend:/ like i love my two best friends to death but they've been friends longer and are closer than me and its not their fault but its always hurts to see them make plans in front of me and not include me or to have all these inside jokes and then also confide in each other and get deep with each other . they are lovely people and do include me in things and they do love me its just i feel so conflicted because i love them both but sometimes i feel so left out and lonely. especially because this has happened in the past alot of times so it just brings up those past feeling:/


from these comments, it's nice to know that im not the only one who's going through this


my mom told me the same thing...never have three friends because when a person gets in a fight, people start to choose sides....and then you can get singled out...and it's just an ugly situation.


Ugh, I hate third wheeling! It’s not fun at all, I had my 3 friends over, I thought all of us would have a great time, but I thought wrong.. They kept taking pictures of each other, videos, and wouldn’t invite me in any of the photos! I felt hurt, but I just made myself look like I was into this video I was watching, when really I was wishing I could make videos with them and have fun, They invited me to this bbq tomorrow, but I’m not going because I know I’ll third wheel, but I wish them the best of fun without me:)💗


world, this happens a lot when three people are friends. Stay friends with them, but really try to branch out and get to know other people. There is nothing you can do to get closer to the two of them without looking anxious, but if they see you talking to other people and distancing yourself a little form them, they will wonder what's up.


I hate being left out.
I’ve been a third wheel since I was little, and this is the third time I’ve been left out.
Once was in third grade, second was in 4th, and other right now. I thought it was working out for a few years, but it came back again. There’s a “Friend Stealer” in my school, and she steals everyone’s friends and make people feel miserable. I hate it. I can’t tell any trusted adults. I just can’t. I hope I get my friends back.


Group of 3 friends is never the problem. I've experienced having a best friend, and when one day we were seated for a table of 3, both of us welcomed the new friend. I tried to include the new friend every time we do something so that she doesn't feel left out. Now, both of my friends are studying at different places and I have a new friend and we became really close. She's really funny but again, I was seated at the table of 3 and the new friend sits next to my close friend and she kept talking to her, and not me. The fact that I tried to include the new friend every time we talk.. she's like parasite now.

Idk how to feel now :')


I am always by my self, the third wheel, the faith wheel all the uneven wheels every year of my school life!


I’m the one who always feels left out. I’ve known both of them for longer then they’ve known each other but for some reason they just leave me out. For example, yesterday I asked them if they wanted to go to the movies. They talked to each other the whole movie. I was just there. Thank God her sister was there so I had someone to talk to.
Edit: Another example is, it’s one of my friends birthday’s soon. For her birthday she’s going to San Diego and can invite one person. She obviously invited the other friend. The way I found out was horrible and I won’t even get into it. The point is, I feel like I don’t even matter. It feels like I’m useless to them. I tried to tell them before but there’s no point if they won’t listen.


Kinda like the situation I had at my friends house. They left me out of partially the entire sleepover and I became so depressed at the end of the night I slept in another room. And even stayed there that morning until my mom picked me up. I hated this. Not only did they neglect me but one girl friends with my best friend continued to tell me to go away and shut up. I don't think she meant it in a mean way but it absolutely hurt me. It was also pretty annoying to the fact they would discuss they're meeting plans IN MY FACE. They always said annoying stuff like omg we should study together and omg let's go shopping. Though I was right in front of them. I was also surprised they didn't even try to look for me or ask where I was and just continued like I left the party altogether. Down right it felt like I was just another human living in they're house.


school: we don't want anyone to feel left out
also school: sO iN ThiS GrOuP PrOjEcT PiCk a pArTnEr tO Do tHe pRoJeCt wiTh

wtf school


I'm not hanging out with other people because I have no one to hangout with or talk to


This was really good advice, made me feel a little better


this is so relatable i’m the third wheel. i introduced my best friend since pre school to one of my newer best friends and they clicked automatically and now i constantly feel left out and have brought it up to both of them and they say they’ll include me more but it never happens. they also always make me feel bad for being upset when they hangout without me because they “don’t get upset when i only hangout with one of them” and it just hurts really bad. i miss having them separate and i hate saying they bc it sounds so selfish but it’s true. we all got into a huge fight one night and i ended up crying myself to sleep on my friends bed and they slept on the couch together and i’ve never felt more alone in my whole life. they made me the antagonist and made me apologize when it was mostly their faults. whenever they hangout i always get super insecure and always think “what are they saying about me” or “are they talking abt me” and it just breaks me. i don’t know what to do bc i don’t want to lose either of them.


Why is this me. My best friend and I are so close. Another girl came into our group and they are getting so close. I know I shouldn't be too jealous but it just hurts so much. I am shorter than my best friend but the other girl is the same height as her, she has changed my best friend so much and it's killing me. I know this is stupid but everything gets to me so much that I sometimes cry in my room when I get home from school. (The other girl has the same birthday as me so I kind of have to pretend I really like her but I really hate it) any advice😔


So many people here feel this way. I wish all these people could just come together ❤


I’m always being left out in my group of three. I was the person who introduced them to each other and I’ve known each of them longer than each other. They decided they liked each other more. They are both very good looking and I’m not so much :/. I always feel sad. I just sit in my phone. They’re not toxic friends at all, they’re great people and kind but I’m still being left out. Sometimes I even think on purpose. Like when we’re walking and I walk next to one of them, they end up closing in on me so I’m trailing behind them while they’re walking. Sometimes I spend whole school days without talking. I’m nobody’s first choice. And I’m very shy and insecure so I have a lot of trouble talking to new people and making new friends.


I’m always the third friend, or even the 5th friend. I’m always left out and it hurts.


We're a group of three, and I really like both of them, but they seem more friends with each other and i feel left out ! Please Please Please tell what to do, I feel sick of trying to solve this :(
