Independent Medical Examination conducted on Peter Wrobleski by Dr. Donald Davis

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This is an independent medical examination conducted on Peter Wrobleski by Dr. Donald Davis. These IMEs are required to process New York State worker's compensation claims. Mr. Wrobleski went through many of these IME exams, and he has decided to make the records public for use.

If you are involved in a NY worker's compensation claim, it's important to know your patient rights surrounding IMEs and procedures. These independent medical examinations were videotaped in hopes that someone else will benefit from the information.

Topics :

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I'm 51 and have had so many surgeries I've lost count, including Spinal Fusion. I have suffered with real pain for decades. This guy is a con man.


This guy...makes me angry. What a fraud


I washed to the end of the video and finally figured it out…

It’s because he drinks Coors Light..


Don’t take the doctor side either because they ain’t shit either


Neck and left shoulder pain mid back is do to c6-c7 cervical spine compression.
Tingling in the fingers will come and go.


Is this guy for real? It almost seems like he’s faking and do these IME’s normally let patients talk that much?


So funny how in the beginning when he demonstrates how he got karate chopped he was lifting his arms just fine. Zero signs of pain. But when the examiner looks at his range of motion etc he can’t do it and is in “pain”….


What is this guy's work comp injury?


They won’t do surgery on him because there’s nothing wrong.

How did he get hurt?


I need to post a picture of this documents.


I've watched all the videos and I'm confused. Are these to try and shame the Drs? All the Drs seemed very nice so I'm confused as to what the Drs did wrong. The older man was very kind. I have to say the only Dr that did anything wrong was the one who wouldnt let you videotape. You seemed miffed because the one Dr said you could film the exam, just not his face. He was very kind and gentle too. If I need one of these exams I wouldnt have a problem with any of the Drs. No shame in their game, sorry.


I'll try to be sort, but it's hard not to go on a rant about this subject. A medical examiner for a injured worker in a BWC issue mean nothing to the state, they pay no attention to the examiners at all unless it's their report the examiner put forth that they have paid for that will hurt the injured worker. If any of you really thinks that many of these examiners are not paid prostitutes for the state your either totally nuts or very naive. Read below about my case and less see if you can come up with a worse case than than mine that has been rejected by the state?
I was injured back 1979, since then I have endured nineteen horrible spinal surgeries. My spinal x-rays looks like a titanium junkyard. I now spend a great deal of my time in a power chair. The BWC has been replacing my power chairs and lifts over the years, but it usually takes the entire process over a year when something breaks and I have to do without the wheels under me to get me to my doctors. I have had even more surgery ordered for several years that has been refused by my MCO that my surgeons have ordered. I recently filed for permanent disability but it was rejected as well. I hear about many case where people are treated like garbage, but I have heard of very few cases that was as extensive as mine that was rejected for disability? Hell, I no longer even have control of my bowels and i'm force to use incontinent products, yes, things are that bad, my entire groin area is numb due to my spinal injury! But I'm still looking, maybe their is a case out there somewhere that's was rejected that was worse than mine that I have haven't seen? I was injured many years ago and pride wouldn't allow me file for disability because I was able to survive without it, but today I certainly wish I had filed years ago. Today there is no question that a injured worker has to be three days dead before they can qualify for BWC disability. No one is getting authorized for disability from what I'm hearing. If I don't qualify who does? How extensive does a injured workers medical condition have to be for them to authorize it if nineteen surgeries isn't enough? My neck is fuses in two places and my lumbar is fuses from L5-S1 all the way up to T12. If it were up to me I would shut the doors on the BWC and close them down until things were redone with a little common sense. It has become a organization that is like a snake eating it's own tail due to all the costly bureaucratic red tape. Trust me, I've seen it up close and personal for close to forty years. They've become pretty much useless today, specially for the badly injured workers that really needs the help. However, I would absolutely 100% open the doors wide to the law suits against the employers again. It certainly wouldn't hurt to open up the law suits against the states as well. That's the only thing people have is the judicial system and a jury to make things right, but the injured workers have been totally shut out of that judicial process and the state and the employers can do whatever they want to the injured workers without ramifications. It's just not right folks, the injured workers as well as others ought to be rebelling like crazy right now, but it seems they never recognize the problem until it directly affects them. I've become totally ashamed of my county as well as my state of Ohio in my older years. The politicians ought to be ashamed of themselves as well to allow it get this bad.
If you can get your case into a court room with a jury, your injury might have a fighting chance for a little justice, but injured workers in Ohio are totally screwed. I would think it's unconstitutional but they're damn sure getting by with keeping me out of the courts.
