What if the Mediterranean Never Existed?

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As a butterfly effect, the Amazon Rainforest would also be larger. Central America would get more rainfall, and therefore more rainforest.


I recommend What if the native Americans didn’t exist?
So when the Europeans arrive in America there aren’t any native peoples there. This could have some interesting implications, including no natives to disturb Viking colonization, no native Aztecs or Incas or population to speak of, and colonization would be a lot easier and altered significantly
This could happen by the waves of people coming to America being unable to cross Bering, or something else.
I’m not sure if it works but I’m sure it would be an interesting video
Keep making videos, you’re one of my favorite youtubers


Less water in the rivers of Mesopotamia, since rain in the Turkish mountains is largely off the Mediterranean, so reduce growth in that region, too.

The Black Sea will be like the Caspian: a smaller but viable local economy connected to present-day Russia by a navigable river. The horseback culture of dry central Asia covers even more land; does this make a conquest like Mongolia's more likely, or will it mean similar counterweights are more common?

China and India are hurt a little by the lack of European markets for luxury goods, so the Silk Road expansion of China may be less prominent, and Persia will miss out on commercial trade. They may need to focus on the Indian Ocean instead.

It's hard to say if Celtic or Germanic culture wins out, but the result doesn't resemble our present western or northern Europe either way.

The Americas continue to grow, but still face massive smallpox depopulation, no matter who finds them.


What if Charlemagne and Irene the Athenian married like they planned? (Or at least married off their children, Ruthrud and Constantine)


0:20 Ah, Greek olives. That beloved Middle Eastern food.


What if Rome vassalized Carthage after the punic wars Instead of killing them?


Not all of Turkey would be desert since there is Kızılırmak river at Anatolia.Kızılırmak was the reason Hitties existed so Hittites would still come.Also before humans destroyed it inner Anatolia was like a jungle, Timur even hided his elephant army at forests of Ankara.


Mediterranean Food for "Middle eastern food"? What. Mediterranean Food is fucking Mediterranean Food because it describes Italian/Spanish food. Classic American education.


You should have mentioned how the sea levels would be higher in this timeline because of no water in the Mediterranean.


Dude, It's called mediterranean food becase it includes italian, greek, etc cuisine, stop trying to be edgy and do your research.


It felt like you completely disregarded the migration period. The Germanic tribes would still push the Celts out of Central Europe to France and they would still sail from Denmark to England, and Slavs would still be there, too. Wouldn't they?


The end tells us that it wouldn’t just be Egypt tuning into Sudan but all of us really


Also the sea would be much higher, which would effect climate to a significant degree, and drown the nederlands along with many other coastal reigons.


Can you do a video on what if Queen Victoria did agree to devleope the imperial federation?


If the Celts remain the dominant civilization in Europe, does that mean the Republic remains part of the UK?


One other thing: the Mediterranean has around 3 750 000 cubic kilometres of water. If that wasn't there, it would be distributed in the other seas and oceans, which would probably raise global sea levels, although not by much.
I suppose it probably wouldn't change much in terms of history or culture.


The Celts would be cut off from civilization in that timeline. In fact, the Celtic heartland would be one of the most isolated areas on earth. To reach modern-day France from the cradles of civilization, one would have to cross the land route through Eastern Europe and Central Europe. Civilization wouldn't spread up the Atlantic coast and then west, but East from Anatolia to the Balkans, through the Carpathian Basin, across southern Germany, and then into Gaul. The Celts would be among the last people to be civilized.


Actually, Judaism would still exist, but Abraham wouldn't have moved West. Think Armenian Israel *Turkey Sweats*


I applaud you for your work, you are a very good Historical Theorist, but in the future please do a little more research on Zoroastrianism. We Zoroastrians don't Worship fire, that is a misconception due to the importance of Fire in our ceremonies. We believe in a single God, Ahura Mazda, and our faith predates even Judaism, at least in the modern understanding of it, by 500ish years.


A couple things you left out of this video are the Mongols and the Western Hemisphere. The Mongols would still ravage the known world, but might be more successful as they would have fewer significant opponents. The people of the Americas would be about as developed as the rest of the world, so may have met them on equal terms.
