The insanity of arguing with a narcissist

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Having an argument with a narcissist can truly make your head explode! 🤯 They don't hear what you have to say, they don't care about your opinion and it's pretty much like talking to a brick wall.

Let's have a look at what's really going on when you try to talk sense into a narcissist.

Mel 🦋

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"It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle"then to win an argument with a narcissist! 🤮


Arguing with a narcissist is like being arrested, everything you say or do ..WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU!

get out.. 🏃🏾‍♀️ 🏃🏽‍♂️


"You can't argue with a sick mind", Arthur Janov, Joe Walsh.


I've been with a narcissist for 15 years and I never really understood what was going on until just recently. I've spent years thinking I was insane... The gaslighting, the complete lack in empathy, the infidelity and lack of guilt that came with it... It's devastating. A beautiful family torn to shreds for the selfishness of one. I feel so alone.


This kind of talk sounds so foreign and crazy, to a person who has never been abused by a narcissist. But for us that understand, we thank you most graciously.


I literally CANNOT argue with mine because she just goes “ok I’m done” the second a argument even a mild one pops up - I cannot ever express myself it just gets bottled up because she shuts down the argument - that’s it, no negotiation.. I’m going crazy. I feel so spun up. Crazy anxiety…


They blame you and say you gaslight them. The abuse is astronomical.


I argued with mom last week.
Since I'm an adult and know about her disorder, it was quite fascinating.

She was like a machine, a robot, going through her abusive toolbox. She wasn't honest, open or authentic for one second.

During 10 minutes of arguing she was covertly mean and provoking, in denial, playing victim, reflecting my anger back to me, openly hostile (Now you be quiet!), ignoring me, distracting me and praising herself as a mother.


She's nuts.


You can't talk sense to a narc. They have no sense. It's like trying to talk sense to a dead fish. Don't waste your time. They aren't even living in the same world as you. They may as well be on another planet.


It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall!


The word *AMORAL* suits narcissists to a T. Questions of morality or immorality simply circumvent their mental processes. Zero awareness. Attending physicians in mental hospitals do not engage in arguments with 'the patients'. Adopt this good practice.


My first partner slithered her way back into my life needing a swift injection of narcissistic supply and promptly started the love process, only thanks to these videos I had insight into my situation. Ever the attention seeker, she shared the deepest secrets of supposed friends with me with her added nasty and cruel commentary about them, the screenshots of which I sent privately to the people involved who she had always fooled with her saint act. I’ve since had apologies from three of these people for how they treated me when she was my partner, and she has disappeared off social media. My advice: expose these vampires and they collapse.


I live with my ex girlfriend and most the time we get along, But at times when i call her out on her bs she will try and turn it around and put it on me :( im old now and dont want to live alone and we have two bullies and i dont want to lose the dogs UGH . It is sad really i feel so abused and pray for God to give me strentgh to just kick her out of my home and life, i deserve better


This video has me tearing up as I’ve been battling with my partner who is a textbook narcissist. I thought I could change him with how much I know about emotional maturity and I thought I could guide him but I actually just became his emotional punching bag for two years until it’s brought end me here.

Hearing you say that I am an inanimate object to him struck me very hard because that’s how he treats me when we argue, it baffles me that I am the only one who try’s to advocate for the both of us when we argue and he only advocates for him.


My nana is a narcissist this is a hard pill to swallow for me because i didnt know this until I started caring for her


I've got video of my narcissistic baby mother arguing with me trying to take my daughter from me during my parenting time. You can look back and see the way they exxagerate, fabricate, words. Texts, actions in a way that favors their argument no matter how far they reach. You try to call them on it and it turns into them accusing you being the problem. I encourage taking videos of those arguments to help yourself understand it


It took 40 years to change my reaction when arguing with my mother. When i did i just gave up getting upset. I laughed over agreed with her and the result of that was what led me to research toxic parents and narcissism. In the moment where i used to get mad was replaced with an abrupt emotional change by her. She claimed that me feeling hurt by her actions was infact hurting her. Yup, then she turned into Golem from the lord of the rings and i knew then that this was not normal. #winning


What is really going on is that we are damaged. We are addicted to the drama because that is what we know. We would argue that we are worthless and this horrible person is the only hint of giving us any self worth. And we crave it to its core, because we know that WE will never be good enough for a man to love us. SO, we suck it up, we tell ourselves that we are strong enough to deal, and we lay in our own misery that was taught to us and hope that the next life will, undoubtedly, be better. Because this life runs the gambit


You cannot argue with a narcissist. Just say, "whatever, " to the narcissist and get on with your own day.


Most accurate depiction of a narcissist I've ever heard. Great video
