DBFZ How to combo with Adult Gohan and Teen Gohan DP Assists

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Here's a tutorial on how to combo Adult Gohan and Teen Gohan assists in combos to extend damage output, wall carry and meter gain. Timing is tighter than most assists to get optimize so i slowed down the parts where it is critical.#DBFZ
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Timestamps and extras
SJ - Super jump(tap 2 or 1 then jump9)
DR - Dragon rush
SD - Superdash
A - Assist
SKD - Sliding knockdown
0:00 Full-Midscreen Basic (Adult Gohan) Starter into 2M 5M jump jLLL A land SJ LL into extend
0:15 Full-Midscreen Basic (Teen Gohan) Starter into 2M 5M jump jM jLLL A land SJ LL into extend
Here you can also use assist after you use your smashes into the assist for an extension that will do greater damage but no SKD unless your character has a move that will get you SKD or you have another assist available to connect DR
0:31 Corner (Adult Gohan) Simple SKD Demo for Everyman
0:49 Corner (Teen Gohan) Simple SKD Demo for Everyman
This is a common way to get Snapback after you carried them to the corner, you can optimize it however your character allows if you are already in the corner or near it
1:28 Corner DR (Adult Gohan) Simple Demo for Everyman
1:08 Corner DR (Teen Gohan) Simple Demo for Everyman
Common way to start your own pressure SD and then call an assist, if you hit them with the SD you can convert
1:45 SD (Adult Gohan) SD A land SJ jLL into extend
2:00 SD (Teen Gohan) SD A land SJ jLL into extend
2:13 2H Double Assist DR Demo, After the usage of smash into a combo you can extend with either SD or Resuperjump
2:25 2M Double Assist DR Demo, You can always get DR if your hit stun in combos is expiring for further extensions
2:37 SSJ Goku 236H Fake Crossup Conversion (Adult Gohan) Bonus tech 669 236H A SJ LL into extend
2:45 Superdash Confirm (Adult Gohan) SD LLL A SJ jLL into extend
2:54 Superdash Confirm (Teen Gohan) SD LLL A SJ jLL into extend
3:05 6M Conversion (Adult Gohan) 6M A 5M jump into extend
3:13 6M Conversion (Teen Gohan) 6M A 5M jump into extend
