Could this man hold the key to future cancer treatment? | ITV News
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For 10 years, numerous cancers have been trying to kill Dr James Hull, including the aggressive pancreatic cancer.
For the retired dentist it has been an extremely difficult decade - but now he hopes he may be the key to finding the cure for certain cancers.
Remarkably, Dr Hull is still alive because his body is able to fight off some cancers - and he believes it’s a gift that needs to be explored.
Speaking to ITV News, Dr Hull said: "I'm trying to find, and I know this is a big statement and I don't say it lightly, I'm trying to find the cure for cancer."
He continued: "I've met the other survivors - and they were like me. They had very nasty, aggressive malignancies; and they're alive and we'll share a glass of wine and perhaps a beer and we share our stories."
For the retired dentist it has been an extremely difficult decade - but now he hopes he may be the key to finding the cure for certain cancers.
Remarkably, Dr Hull is still alive because his body is able to fight off some cancers - and he believes it’s a gift that needs to be explored.
Speaking to ITV News, Dr Hull said: "I'm trying to find, and I know this is a big statement and I don't say it lightly, I'm trying to find the cure for cancer."
He continued: "I've met the other survivors - and they were like me. They had very nasty, aggressive malignancies; and they're alive and we'll share a glass of wine and perhaps a beer and we share our stories."