Unredscaled Lomo Redscale

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What the heck is Lomo Redscale? I mean what is the emulsion that Lomography used?

I was curious enough to grab a three pack and try to figure it out.

TL;DW I don't know because something went wrong.

00:00 intro
00:39 lomo redscale
01:31 lomo 400 vs unredscaled lomo redscale
03:00 lomo 400 and unredscaled lomo redscale examples
03:28 unredscaled lomo redscale take 2
05:03 how to redscale 35mm film
05:52 how to redscale 120 film
08:01 end

lomo color negative 400
lomo redscale xr 50-200
hasselblad 500cm
carl zeiss 80mm f2.8 t*

development notes:

music by:
Slug Love 87 - Rachel K Collier
The Lone Woodlouse - Rachel K Collier
Ant Fire - Rachel K Collier
Wasp Kill - Rachel K Collier
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Legit my favorite film channel and the only one I’m actually subscribed to because the ideas are cool the production is stellar.


0:48 - "It's nothing special" - proceeds to show the only redscale image I've ever seen that I actually like.

3:04 - Also real nice. Almost thou persuadest me to be a C-41 user.


Yes, but can you trichrome unredscaled lomo redscale film? Great job btw!


My theory is that since redscaling basically throws away all emulsion nuance anyway and is just for memes, Lomo doesn't care about the emulsion consistency of their redscale batches, so they flip whatever is nearest in their warehouse, be it their Metropolis or Color or whatever.


That first de-redscale attempt almost looks like Lomo Metropolis


These videos are always awesome. I never even imagined unredscaling a redscale and here we are. Plus we got a cool redscale tutorial, thank you!


Cinestill Redrum is another red scale film, I got a couple rolls last October, hope I can get round to shooting a video about it soon. Love your videos btw! ♥️


I can't believe how much I love this channel


When you really want to compare a stock I would highly suggest shooting at least one frame of a calibration chart with the same lighting conditions, though I know that's not really as much fun. If the three rolls weren't from the same pack I'd have said it looked like Metropolis redscaled. However, due to the film base not being puke coloured in the other two maybe that's less likely.

Or, and given how slap-dash their quality control seems to be, I can see this stuff as being a pile of factory seconds that they just loaded in backwards and it's whatever was in the pile at the time, be it 400, Metropolis or whatever else was going spare that month.


The top layer on colour film is sensitive only to blue light and contains a coupler which causes a yellow dye image to be produced when the film is developed. Under this are green and red sensitive layers with couplers which form magenta and cyan images. After development a bleach bath removes all silver, leaving just the three dye images. The green and red sensitive emulsion layers are also sensitive to blue light so under the blue layer there is a filter layer which blocks the blue light from reaching the other two layers. If the film is exposed through the base this filter layer will prevent any blue light reaching the blue sensitive layer, so no image will be formed in this layer. The red and green sensitive layers will also receive exposure to blue light which they wouldn’t normally see, and the light will pass through the red and green sensitive layers in the wrong order. This combination of changes is what results in the red image. It’s similar to the way that cameras which print the date on the film do it in a red/orange colour since this is exposed through the base of the film.


I was just waiting for someone to do this for couple years at this point


Answering the questions I never had. Let's hope you never run out of these ideas


Always excited when I see a new attic darkroom video, keep up the good content!


the colors on the 2nd attempt are so crazy good.


I have used this video to reverse a roll of 120 colour film. Tomorrow I'll be shooting it. Thanks for being a bad influence


After trying and eventually managing to load 120 onto those hellish stainless reels in the dark, rest assured that I'm never ever going to manage to do red scale on 120 without FAR more patience than I have now.


Being colourblind the two films side by side looked identical even after you pointed out the difference in film rebate lol


I just bought a 16mm stills camera and this video gave me the idea to get lomo redscale 110 film which is the same size and cheaper than the regular one so I can take color pictures with it. Just need to 3d print some 16mm cartridges now.


Your videos are truly the best, thank you for everything you do


I know nothing technical about film but wonder if you try it with slide film Velvia or Provia if you would get redish/orange results that would mimic Ektar 100. I'm sure there would be some crazy color casts. I'm super curious about results with Silberra film since it performs reasonably well both as C-41 and E-6 from your video about it. Really love all your videos!
