At Issue: Anti-Terror Bill

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The At Issue panel talks about the government's new anti-terror bill.

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What I do not understand is that I see so many Canadians complaining about how the Harper Government™ is doing damage to Canada and I assume that these people would vote this government out but here we are, nine years later, and there still seems to be no sign of them losing the next election. I will be voting NDP and you should, too.


The At Issue panel talks about the government's new anti-terror bill.


Pssst... there are THREE Opposition Parties represented in Parliament.


It seems odd that what is 'at issue' is a anti-terror bill, and yet all that anyone seems to be discussing here is how it effects the various parties position in the polls. Why is it the CBC seems afraid to actually look at the bill in detail and have the panel discuss the merits of what is proposed. Maybe if people knew more about the actual bill itself, we could determine which party has the right perspective. What I get from this is, PC - Good bill, NDP - Bad bill, Liberal - Not sure, I'll get back to you. Sorry, what is at issue again?


If the Harper Gov was so concerned about terrorism, why does it allow employers to bring in TFW's with no public vetting? Why does the government DEPORT terrorists (i.e.. Samir Ait Mohammed) as well as IMPORT and EXPORT them, instead of penalizing them right here in Canada? 


if we Canadians dont stand up for our rights from the government taking away our rights. and talking about it isnt going to protect up from the bills  i wont stand by any longer while our rights are being taken we need revolution all these people speeking garbage while nothing gets done. i suggest a vote of no confidence, revolution revolution


Nothing of real value here - propaganda machining
