Top 10 famous FAILURES in history !!

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Most famous people weren't born into fame and often failed spectacularly before achieving it. Here are some famous failures to inspire you to greatness!

Abraham Lincoln
Failed in business three times and failed campaigning seven times prior to becoming President of the United States

Albert Einstein
He did not speak until he was four years old. His parents thought he was “sub-normal”. He was expelled from school and his teachers described him as “mentally slow”

Michael Jordan was cut from high school basketball team for a “lack of skill”

Bill Gates was a Harvard University dropout and his first business, Traf-O-Data was a failure.

Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “so stupid to learn anything.”

Steve Jobs
At 30 years old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremonoiusly removed from the company he started.

The Brothers Beatle band
Rejected by Decca Recodring Studios, who said “we don’t like their sound” “They have no future in show business”

Walt Disney
Fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination” and having “no original ideas”

J.K. Rowling was unemployed, divorced and raising a daughter on social security while writing the first Harry Potter novel.
Her novel “Harry Potter” was rejected by 12 publishing houses.

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