Stonehenge secrets: London exhibit explores mysterious monument

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Over the years, the ancient monument of Stonehenge in the United Kingdom has raised more questions than answers.
Now an exhibition in London is seeking to unravel some of its mysteries.
Al Jazeera's Leah Harding reports.

#UK #Stonehenge
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"Helping others is a great act of kindness."


"Patience is not about how long you can wait, but how well you behave while you’re waiting.."


Stonehenge is gorgeous...especially during the Summer Solstice 🌞 when the sky turns multiple colors.


translation: we hired a new marketing team, buy your ticket to the exhibition now


A Prayer to the Many ancient Kemet /egypt Gods

Wepwawet, opener of ways, granter of choices,
unfolder of options, I praise and honor you.

Anubis, measurer of hearts, friend of the dead,
warder against the dark, I praise and honor you.

Hathor, lady of gold, mistress of joy and pleasure,
steadfast friend of women, I praise and honor you.

Sekhmet, most mighty and most beautiful of gods,
healer of humanity, I praise and honor you.

Bast, devouring lady, mistress of truth and light,
preserver of the family, I praise and honor you.

Tefnut, lady of the waters, bringer of rain
to the dusty land, I praise and honor you.

Shu, lord of the air, steady and still of bearing,
master of the winds, I praise and honor you.

Heru-wer, great of terror, lord of flame, granter
of a heart bold and brave, I praise and honor you.

Ma’at, daughter of creation, ideal of the worlds,
mistress of the right, I praise and honor you.

Djehuti, great scribe of Ma’at, master of the pen,
lord of truth and wisdom, I praise and honor you.

Seshet, lady of names and numbers, mistress
of records, keeper of time, I praise and honor you.

Great Ptah, merciful of face, friend of the maker,
whose words work upon the earth, I praise and honor you.

Sokar of the opened wings, lord of the dark,
master of artisans, I praise and honor you.

Wesir, beautiful one who rests upon Ma’at,
lord of the silent lands, I praise and honor you.

Ra who is in heaven, who is in the horizon,
giver of light and life, I praise and honor you.

Khepera, ancient one, bright-winged one, wise and shining
heart of the morning sun, I praise and honor you.

Heruakhety who crosses the sky with incense,
great god of the horizon, I praise and honor you.

Amun, self-created one, king whose name is hidden,
protector of the humble, I praise and honor you.

Beautiful Mut, world-mother, mistress of heaven,
shelter of children, I praise and honor you.

Taweret, friend of women, friend of the home,
guardian of the family, I praise and honor you.

Kindly Bes, guardian of home and family, granter
of life’s many joys, I praise and honor you.

Neith, friend of the weaver and the warrior,
great of might, ancient of name, I praise and honor you.

Sobek who made the herbage green, lord of dark waters,
mender of a damaged world, I praise and honor you

Aset, queen of heaven, mistress of magics,
upholder of the good, I praise and honor you.

Heru-sa-Aset, master of magics, just one,
savior of your father, I praise and honor you.

Nephthys, mistress of renewal, friend of the dead,
easer of sorrows, I praise and honor you.

Set of the red land, before whom the sky shakes,
breaker of boundaries, I praise and honor you.

Nut of the sheltering sky, who holds a thousand souls,
lady of the starry night, I praise and honor you.

Geb, first and eldest of kings, deep father earth
who marks the joys of life, I praise and honor you.

Khnum of the crumpled horn, self-created one,

worker upon the wheel, I praise and honor you.

Khonsu, path-finder, night-shining one, healer

and guardian, friend of women, I praise and honor you.

Nefertem who is beautiful, lily of the sun,

lord of healing, lord of scent, I praise and honor you.

Serqet, mistress of the beautiful house,

protector from poisons, I praise and honor you.

Mafdet, slayer of serpents, mistress of justice,

allotter of penance, I praise and honor you.

Meretseger, great of judgment, guardian of kings,

lady of the great peak, I praise and honor you.

Maahes, lord of slaughter, avenger of wrongs,

opposer of evil, I praise and honor you.

Montu, battle-wise, great bull who meets all foes,

might of the blasting sun, I praise and honor you.

Bountiful Min, virile and strong, lord of the black earth,

the swell of tender green, I praise and honor you.

Renenutet, lady of the fertile fields,

namer of children, I praise and honor you

Mighty Heka, lord of magic, speaker of words,
placer of the ka  I praise and honor you.

Wadjet who guards the green, warder of the red crown,
protector of children, I praise and honor you.

Nekhbet, mother of mothers, broad-winged goddess,
keeper of the white crown, I praise and honor you.

Atum of the dark waters, O great of name,
first among the gods, I praise and honor you.

Great Nun, father of fathers, mother of mothers,
you from whom all arose, I praise and honor you.


If you don't know WHO OR WHERE is a stolen property look for the owner before exhibition, if not you are charge⚖️


They know who’s behind them … They just won’t say it


Imagine if these artefacts where only being held in a museum in Asia or America ? Or worse still the stones themselves had been stolen by another nation and they didn’t want to give them back!! Give African, Asian, Native American cultural icons back to their owners you bunch of grave robbers


You don’t understand them because they don’t belong to you.


This reporter saying "such an amazing monument" has to be a joke... the pyramids are an AMAZING monument. While the collection of a few large stones is curious, it is in no way amazing.


mistery, why none bought the stonehenge, cause they din´t wanted haha, inflation for uk
