The Magnetic Aura of Lustful Attraction | 44 Subliminals

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This potent attraction audio will provide you with the ability to effortlessly attract every female you want. For obvious reasons, family isn't included and this will not work for you if you have predatory intentions.
With this I guarantee that females WILL approach you, not stares, as long as you're around women, you'll get actual approaches.

This first part is your custom perfume, scent based upon creed aventus (Idea from Ulas), which is made up of pheromones and some other compounds for maximum attraction.

"Love and Icebreaker" Androstadienone - Makes you look more attractive in the eyes of women, creates crushes in women, makes them feel comforted and protected, and start conversations with you easier. One single particle of this can alter a women's cortisol levels.
"Arousal and Respect" Androstenone - Makes women extremely aroused. Intimidates men - This sub uses fear-based respect and regular respect to block confrontations while keeping male intimidation through the roof.
"Respect and Charm" Androstanone - Increases Androstenone Sensitivity and mimics the effects, less fear-based and more charm and respect.
"Respect and Maturity" Androsterone - Increased respect. Seen as high value and sexually mature and fertile.
"Social Respect" Epi-Androsterone - Increasingly sociable, high social status and respect vibe. More people will be sociable towards you.
"Mood and Positivity" Androsterone Sulfate - Everyone will see you in a more positive light, your mood will improve and you'll be more sociable.
"Playboy vibe" Alpha Androstenol - Makes you seem more playful and increases playfulness of women towards you, increases sociability. Upregulates GABA in other people and yourself. Half of the androstenol we all know.
"Hypnotic Bond" Beta Androstenol - Creates the feeling of a strong bond, friendship, and rapport. People will tell you their secrets as if they knew you for a while, even if you just met them. Upregulates GABA in other people and yourself much like the first half. Other half of the androstenol we all know.
"Attraction and Affection" Androstenetrione - Makes people see you as more attractive, amplifies existing affectionate emotions. You'll probably get some love confessions just because of this part.
"Playful personality" DHEA - Makes females more open to talking, playful with you, stronger sense of self-love.
"Attention" DHEAS - Increases wittiness, increases energy levels, attracts women and makes them pay attention to you.
"Positivity and Power" Pregnenolone - People will see you more positively, and powerfully, women are more receptive and flirty with a lot of jokes too. Helps lower stress.
"Confidence and Amplifier" Beta THDOC - This is kinda like drinking in the way it'll lower your inhibitions, you'll be more confident. People's emotions towards you are amplified. For safety, I set it only to attraction/love based emotions that are amplified.
"Arousal" Hedione - Commonly used in most men fragrances. Studies have shown it has the power to increase women's arousal towards you.
"Booster" Iso E Super - Commonly used in perfumes, to boost the pheromone projection and effects a lot. Your presence will radiate everywhere and the pheromones will have the maximum possible effect.
"Inviting and Flirty" Astaxanthin - Gives you an inviting, flirty, and fun aura which will cause many women to approach you first. Makes you happier.

Now, for the second part:
"Addictive lustworthy presence" - Your very presence will be more addictive than fentanyl, and lustworthy with a mysterious and highly seductive aura, causing intense and captivating feelings of obsessive lust in all women. They'll be addicted to seeing you, talking to you, touching you, having sex with you, texting you, and spending all their time with you.
"Deep seductive voice" - Your voice will become deeper, and more seductive. It'll cause large releases of oxytocin (Love), norepinephrine (the "adrenaline rush" of love), vasopressin (Attachment) and dopamine (Happiness) in women who hear it.
"Obsessive Captivation" - Women will become defensive over you, and fight other women over you due to their intense lust for you. They may end relationships and friendships, just to spend more time with you and be with you. They will approach you first, and spend all their time with you to get to know you better. They will obsessively stare at you, losing perception of time, as if they were addicted to staring at you. They will fantasize, and dream about you (normal and sexual dreams).
"Biological Desires" - Women can subconsciously sense your extremely high fertility triggering biological desires to have sex with you.
"Lust Embodiment" - Women will become nymphos exclusively for you, finding you the most attractive and making everyone else incomparable to your high levels of attractiveness. You'll notice an increase in kinkiness, messages, sex offers, nudes, and even just conversations.
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Update: i have naturally high pherormones, i tested with different listens during the day and in conclusion my best is 1x listen max 2x spaced out during the day.
Its like a booster, with this sub the attraction from girls builds up slowly day per day, every passing day more attractiver girls flirt heavily.
Today one super good looking married girl flirted heavily, was soo good 😎
10/10 sub for attraction and phero boost


"doesn't work if you have predatory intentions" man, you're amazing, just because of that, I feel even more respect for you🐐


Btw, this sub is fxckkin powerful, getting amazing results! Plus, I been on no fap/semen retention now for about 5 months and still going strong! 💯‼️🏆👑💪🏾


First day using: feeling way more confident happy outgoing, people are way more respectful and especially women are looking everywhere I go


Okay so i've been consistently listening to this sub for a week now and the looks are getting crazy. I've had multiple occasions where the girl would stare at me out of nowhere while being with their boyfriend. Whats even funnier is how each time the guy then proceeds to kiss her and fondle her to show affection as i'm literally doing nothing. Just waiting for transportation to arrive. Its like they're trying to remind their girlfriend that they are in a relationship. I will try to experiment with even longer listening sessions. Maybe the whole day and see what the results are.

Gentlemen this is a serious subliminal. I heard 44 subliminals is working on an even stronger version. I cannot even comprehend that. Hopefully it will be released before the summer.


Simply put, this sub is fucking amazing bro.

I’m at a loss for words. I met this guy who is a barber not too long ago and he fixed up my hair as it wasn’t looking too good and now we’re good friends. He’s younger than me but has a lot of wisdom. People are now seeing me in a much more positive light too bro!

Also, I have been dominating on my soccer team recently. 9 goals in 4 matches 🔥

that’s that CONFIDENCE and the GABA regulator thing from the sub for sure! 💯


This works insanely fast and better than most I’ve used. Thanks.


This is really awesome stuff . Females were staring at my soul and also this has made my voice deeper and sexier but talking about the downside i faced aggression and jealousy from the dudes, it was very weird because sometimes they were respecting me a lot and sometimes they were becoming aggressive but i didn't take them seriously.


The trusted sub maker with a new identity


Good to have you back, 44. No grave gonna hold us down.


Was freaking out yesterday thinking it's a done deal. But Chumpy subs came to the rescue. Only took you one day and i'm happy that you're back.


This sub works perfect for me. People talk to me more, I get checked out alot by women and I feel comfortable in my skin. Extremely fast working sub. Glad you brought ur channel back


Welcome back. Rising from the ashes like a phoenix!


Used for 2 hours. Girls were simply not taking eyes off me.


I listened to a few of your subs and wtf bro?
I'm 14 and ik I'm in puberty but my voice changed.. I'm like.. I'm like gaining this sorta.. fuck boy octave voice????😭 TYSM.


More confidant, i say what i think, more aroused, women are more touching, stares, flirting, more relaxed, more into my body, more cocky, more respected, more seen as a leader. i love this.
What else shall expect to see, and i is there others who could share their experiences ?


Dayum you went all out on this, this is no ordinary subliminal gentlemen.


A deeper voice definitely, usually in the afternoon, my voice gets slightly higher then the morning, but now, i almost notice no difference.


My bro rocking it as always. As one of your first subcribers in your old channel I can't be more proud of you.
Feeling like Casanova with this one asap🔥⚡


Yo Kabus, this track is fire, And the beat is bananas! I be jamming to this on repeat, word up 💯‼️🏆👑💪🏾👍🏾🔥
