Making an Archery Target and Setting Up a Practice Range at my Off Grid Bushcraft Camp

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The workshop area/bushcraft camp is taking shape with the addition of an archery range for practicing traditional archery.
Log Cabin Building, Bushcraft, Survival Skills, Cooking, Canadian Wilderness, Off Grid Living, Homesteading

Hi, I'm Shawn James. I am a passionate outdoorsman living the life of my dreams in a log cabin that I built by myself in the Canadian wilderness. Join me and my golden retriever, Cali and listen to the sounds of the forest in this relaxing wilderness setting. I prefer to keep my talking to a minimum and let the natural sounds of nature make you feel as though you are there with me.
200 Manitoba St., Unit 3, Suite 415
Bracebridge, ON P1L 2E2

My Self Reliance/Shawn James
200 Manitoba St., Unit 3, Suite 415
Bracebridge, ON P1L 2E2
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Hi Shawn - having a practice range is a real plus! I am a archer also that moved to Perth Ont.. 5 years ago. Most ranges around here are an hour to two hours away. I build a back stop I could move around as I like to shoot long distances. I bought a couple of target bags and filled them with plastic bags and old dog food bags. Even old tarps with brass ferrels removed work also. I have to practice so this is what I use. Place is looking good! I am 76 years old and have to keep in shape. Have a great weekend everybody!!


You produce such beautiful and moving videos. They take us to a quiet and peaceful place and time. Thank you for sharing your amazing and enchanted world with us.🌲


I really enjoyed archery as a kid - the local YMCA held a summer day camp for the local children, me, my brother and cousin were enrolled every summer from age 6 through 12, we learned to swim and how to rescue, play "capture the flag", archery, arts&crafts, wood carving - with knives (haha), how to build a fire and cook on it, field trips to all the amusement parks in the area, wonderful time and a part of my childhood that will stay with me forever, this was from 1965 to early 70's. Archery time was my favorite, imagine a bunch of 7-12yr olds with bows and arrows and there wasn't a single bad moment in all the years we attended this camp. Such a great time.


Being able to take my children out to experience real life is a life goal .. thanks for sharing the sweeter part of this for motivation.

Also the wooden roof tiles were a very nice touch .. i haven't seen that before


I'm enjoying seeing you build some things again.


Hi Shawn
I don’t know how far you are from the horrible land slide in Canada but my prayers are with you and your family family and all the people in Canada! Take care and be safe!🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻❤️


SHAWN & OUR CALI plus EMILY !!! HEY there it is great to see you all out there now !!! Hoping Emily is feeling better now !!! Shaw you always have something new up your sleeve for us to see each week & it is a breath of fresh air any time you put out a video even the older one I watch over !!! It BRINGS to me COMFORT !!! I really mean that Shawn comfort is the key word of a Cabin there !!! The color of it the sounds of how the wood feels under anyone's footsteps in a cabin is something !!! The chairs all of it Thank you !!!


I love the animals and beautiful nature views at the end.


Watching Shawn's episodes on the weekend soothes the soul after a long week.


Your cinematography is really have a way of putting the viewer right in the scene next to you..


You know it’s too hot outside when something like this 6:04 happens, been there 😂. Thank you for the video, it was nice to see you take a trip w Emily again, have a good weekend & take care.


Hello Shawn! I recently came across your videos on YouTube and I will tell you, I am honestly very impressed by your skills and love for nature. I am from Ukraine, Russian bandits are not far away, when they shoot at us, it is very hard mentally and emotionally on the heart when this happens. I start watching your videos with Cali, they are like relaxation for me. Thank you very much. Thank you.


Does my heart good ..knowing that such people and places exist..thank you.


Thank you so much for the scenery love it.


I’m so jealous to be honest. I’d love this life.


It is great to see you enjoying your Canadian summer.


They way Cali was looking at the deer like make a move mr.


I literally had chills running up and down my spine after the 19:00 mark. Father, daughter, hauntingly beautiful music and scenery and incredible videography. WOW!


For filling post holes like that.. You can actually mix a lot of dirt into the concrete and it will still get quite hard and stay solid.. Like you could put 60% dirt in the concrete mix and fill that around the posts.. and make your concrete go a lot further. It's particularly useful for filling holes, since it has the dirt around it anyway, so it doesn't need to be super structural.


Brilliant, Shawn! My husband loved this! :)
