Kratos vs Goku (Manga)

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Kratos vs Manga Goku

#kratos #mangagoku #shorts

Song - Eminem x Aerosmith
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pov: dragon ball fan smashing their phone


It’s really confusing on how who beats who.

Kratos has feats and statement to where he has lifted the realms and it’s crazy. But the mechanics don’t live up to his statements

In dragon ball they show that goku is powerful enough to destroy a planet and stuff

It’s really confusing


power of Goku : 1e200
power of kratos : 50, 000

Goku is infinitely stronger


Kratos gets stabbed by some random enemy with a sword.
Kratos fans: That random mob was an outerversal being.


Potantiel goes kratos inf potantiel bc he gets stronger bc of his age


DBZ fans crying right now and I love it


OMG HERE WE GO AGAIN KRATOS IS NOT BEATING MANGA GOKU MAYBE ANIME GOKU I AGREE BUT MANGA NO AND HERE'S WHY GOKU FEATS:Generating so much energy wih his punches that along with beerus’s punches they contributed to the near destruction of universe 7. His punches are so strong he has to constantly punch a certain way to minimise the destruction caused by them.Moving faster than a being who can skip time.

shattering a dimension made by the time skipper.Fighting and actually injuring the fusion of his alternative self and a immortal deity with his energy blast even though he was near exhaustion and could hardly stand before he did it.

Casually smashing through the hardest material in the dragon ball universe with regular punches.

Surviving a singularity containing the energy of the strongest warriors of universe 7. Not only did he survive it but he came out hundreds of times stronger.

whilst heavily injured and running on literal fumes he shook an infinite dimension just by waking up.Beat the strongest saiyans of universe 6 at the same time while he hardly had enough energy to fight.

Beat a fusion of two saiyans whilst injured and exhausted.

After losing most of his energy fighting the fusion he was swallowed by a black hole in which he casually stood up inside of it and joked about how it was heavier than a gravity manipulating machine.He then destroyed the black hole and knocked off all three of its creators with one energy blast.

He created a galaxy just by powering up and then absorbed its energy.

He then proceeds to beat up the strongest mortal of universe 11 who is so strong that his own God can't even take him on. And that's why


Kratos solos the verse no concept od diff also this is his theme now


Goku is infinitely stronger than Kratos


Kratos slams bro solos a pantheon then beat the shit out of the concept of fear with his bare hands lol


I'm the biggest gow nerd ever but ain't no way he beating goku💀


POV: Dragon ball fangays punching air and smashing their phones


They both don't want to fight each other at all but if they do kratos will be killed but he could also come back as we saw him do many a times basically kratos will find a way to kill goku any how


ima act like a nerd but

goku can basically predict any of his enemy's move at the speed of light, (only manga tho since the MUI and UI from the anime still got some weak points to work on at) but TUI is actually wayyy stronger imagine TUI jumping kratos- 💀💀


im a goku obsessed fan but i think this 1v1 battle is true


Hahaha, this video is extremely wrong and I can scale Goku pretty high.
This was based on feats, things that were said, done, hinted at Ect I’ve just pieced everything together using a proper scaling technique
For example saitama was just toying around and grabbing hyperspace casually or how goku shook an infinite void also proved to be fatally higher than hit who broke the 2nd light layer of dimensional wall with speed alone which you need infinite speed for hit has upper 2st stage infinite speed for time skip

Breaking the dimensional wall is a MASSIVE feat
breaking layers of the dimensional wall needs greater infinite speed or strength to do so
(12 layer 5-102D dimensional wall) there are multiple layers to the dimensional wall 1-5 light layers 5-9 heavy layers and 9-12 core layers
LIGHT Layer - 5-26D
HARD Layer - 26-58D
CORE Layer - 58-102D
(ps the dimensional wall exists in every fiction realm it even exists in regular show this wall is always different and relative to each realm the dimensional wall stops beings from crossing into other realms
(beings that can cross into other realms are classed and true dimensionals for example gp is t5d+ he is able to cross dimensions in a 5 dimensional character)

First goku has the strength to break the 2th layer light dimensional wall in ssjg alone
his power cap is from 1-8th infinite (depending on ki usage) which is godly..
He’s also able to break the dimensional wall
5th light layer with strength in tui obviously
And 2nd hard layer with speed in mui pui or Cui
1st hard in tui or poui/puis

Goku definitely has the power to break into the
2LL and 5LL with strength from base to FP
2LL to 2HL with speed from base to FP

Goku is Low Multiversal at base
Goku is Lower Outerversal at FP

Second magic can’t work on Goku
He has a Passive Ki Shield with the density of MULTIPLE db multiverses which as stated PKIS would negate all oncoming ki magic based attacks

And would block all attacks from someone who comes from a different realm also because his PKIS is as dense and as powerful as Multiple DB Multiverses

Third as stated every thing In dragon ball is made of ki meaning everything
Let me explain better
In dragon ball everything is made of ki
Atoms are ki
All elements are ki
Protons and neutrons are ki
Gravity is ki
tho they still act the same
Like how a ki neutron would act the same as a neutron ect ect
This is all for the balance in db
Without this then universes wouldn’t adapt properly and would be completely weak to all attacks

And this brings on the other fact
Ki can only be manipulated by ki
For Someone from another Verse to actually harm Goku is for them to use their fists
This is the complex structure of db
If you don’t have ki you can’t hurt ki

You can only damage ki and only with your fists
Meanwhile a ki user could release their ki shield and crush your whole verse
Along with the fact that ki can just repair/restore itself without fail

Or beam smash you relentlessly
Unless you have a shield or sum
Anyways now

Goku speed- (rounded)
Mui is 500x faster than time (FTT)
Tui is 410x FTT
Oui/Uis is 340x FTT
Pui is 510x FTT
Poui/Puis is 400x FTT
Cui is 500x FTT

Now let me fully explain the ultra instinct forms

Cui is an all rounder defence and attack along with precision and skill using ssj god strength amplified by slightly less immense speed
Completed Ultra Instinct

Pui is basically Mui same ssj god strength amplified by immense speed but with way more precision with dodging and quick attacks
- Perfected Ultra Instinct

Mui is ssj god strength amplified by slightly less immense speed more focused on dodging with precise attacks - Mastered Ultra Instinct

Oui/Uis is ssj god strength amplified by incredible speed more defensive than attackive
Uis was a tad more efficient in attack power tho
- Omen Ultra Instinct / Ultra Instinct Sign

Poui/Puis is ssj god strength amplified by insane speed FAR more defensive than attackive
- Perfected Omen Ultra Instinct
/ Perfected Ultra Instinct Sign

Tui is ssj blue strength amplified by insane speed
More attack and precision then defense and blocking - True Ultra Instinct

Passive ui is just passive angel ki like passive god ki but better - Ultra Instinct

Theirs also ui but that’s pointless

Also why does goku use god ki in Angel ki states
Well first you need to understand the basics of Angel ki
First Angel ki CANNOT run of unstable violent dangerous ect types of ki
Angel ki can only run of stable nonviolent nondestructive nondangerous ect types of ki

why goku is able to use it in base form?
because he has passive god ki flow
And because his sayain ki isn’t violent or dangerous

And since gokus god ki is more prominent than his sayain ki then the Angel ki is gonna use his base god power and amplify it by a massive degree

Oh and about moro
He has slight passive god ki flow
Yet his species ki is violent evil and unstable
Dus resulting in him only barely being able to hold some Angel ki for a bit then completely destroying himself

Strength wise
He’s able to deliver blows strong enough to destroy an OPEN db universe multiple times over (58-65 times over with 1 strike) in current TUI
Meaning he’s able to destroy
5d infinity macrocosm, dual 4d infinity, another duo 4d and 5d infinite macrocosm
The other triple 3-5d infinite macrocosm
the entire quadruple 9 dimensional infinite reality
58-65 times over that feat alone is so vastly incomprehensible

Oh for reference on how big a db universe is well first take Anos saiki and rimerus novel realms combine them and they still arnt bigger than a CLOSED DB UNIVERSE (only filling about 70-80%)
Not even an open one which spans into 5 dimensional infinity

So literally with one open strike from goku he can erase the whole of wang lings realm rimerus realm even anti spirals realm HUNDREDS TO THOUSANDS OF TIMES OVER (anti spirals whole realm for reference can fill 80% of a closed db universe)

I could explain more about a db universe if needed


(Infinite scaling is a form of scaling that is used when a character who is infinite can beat another infinite character or a character who is so strong they can beat multiple infinite characters with little or no effort))
Infinite (lower) - 1-10
infinite (upper) 10-15
Infinite (beyond) 15-20
Infinite (boundless) 20-100
(a character so strong their unscalable)
(If you wanted to get in-depth then you could go infinite 1.02 to infinity so until it reaches 1.5 (mid level) or 1.9 which is upper level))

Goku strength (mui 30%) mid 3rd infinite
Goku strength (ssjb FP) mid 4th infinite
Goku speed (mui 30%) upper 5th infinite
Goku speed (ssjb FP) upper 3rd infinite
Cui Pui have identical stats to Mui
Poui/Puis has Tui SPD and Mui STR
Oui/Uis FP - Lwr 5th SPD and Lwr 3rd STR

Goku strength (TUI 30%) lower 4th infinite
Goku speed (TUI 30%) mid 5th infinite

Goku has almost 200 years of fighting knowledge and experience (gokus years of training from MULTIPLE characters) - extreme potential along with resilience resistance recovery and overcoming others in power

Gokus durability isn’t as great as vegeta but he still tanked multiple 4th level infinite hits which would have the strength to obliterate a db universe which is a extremely huge feat also combined with how goku have been stabbed blundered and taken Severely devastating attacks also how he’s taken multiple crushing and lethal attacks on vital places which would naturally cause in death but he still got up and transformed not to mention how this durability is untouchable in any ui form so that’s goku scaled


what the hell 😂😂 bro i know you didn't see dragon Ball super 😑


you just know this video is cap when Kratos literally gets battle iq


Strength= kratos

Speed= Goku Because kratos speed is only 100kmph💀

Durability= Goku because Goku died more than kratos but Kratos killed death God so idk who is good so tie:/

Stamina= Goku Will still stands up for fight even if the enemy is 10x strong then him and Goku would achieve new Form if he start losing

Agility= Goku...

BIQ= Goku, Goku is very good at battle iq because he's fighting style is more batter then Kratos

IQ= Kratos

Feats= Kratos Because Kratos destroyed Greek gods but i forgot the name of the another name

Other goes to kratos...

Winner is Goku due to his speed of light
Goku Mid-High Diff because of strength and other
Comment if i had any mistake👍


is bro serious?

goku can solo his verse
