Curtain Panel Louvers in Revit Tutorial

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In this video I show you how to model a Louver curtain wall panel family.
Revit Shortcuts:
GR - Grid
RE - Scale
CL - Structural Column
MM - Mirror (pick axis)
UN - Project Units
WA - Wall
CS - Create Similar
RP - Reference Plane
Al - Align
TR - Trim/Extend
AR - Array
CO - Copy
Additional Tags: Louver, Louvers, Curtain wall, family, Structural, Beam, Column, Beam System, Light, family, family editor, street light, Revit, Architecture, House, Reference Plane, Detail Line, Floor,, BIM, Building Information Modeling. Building, Roof, Roof by element, Roof by extrusion, How to model a roof in revit, Revit City, Revit 2018, Revit Turorials, Revit 2017, Revit Autodesk, Revit Architecture 2017, Revit Array, Render, AutoCAD, How to model in Revit, learn Revit, Revit Biginner tutorial, Revit tutorial for Beginner, Revit MEP, Revit Structure,
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