Tesla AI: Perfecting FSD in DANGEROUS Scenarios

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My problem is school zones. Ignores warnings and speeds.


These cases involve a situation that would cause a direct crash with the FSD driver. But there are times when the potential crash would involve others and not the FSD driver but the FSD driver could provide an opening for the other driver to escape to. I hope these cases would be tested too.


FSD handling these edge cases is impressive, but the edge cases are practically endless. No human driver can handle them all either, but as you say, if human drivers didn't handle most of them, the number of accidents would be far higher. How close is FSD to handling them as well as a human driver? I don't know, and I can't tell from a few examples or even a few hundred examples. I hope we have robotaxis with nearly universal scope and no remote monitors soon, but I'm still betting on 2030 or later. No one wants me proven wrong more than I do.


I had the same 4 way stop situation where I had the right away, and the other vehicle proceeded after I did, and my tesla immediately applied its brakes quickly, avoiding an accident. It's phenomenal!


One thing that I feel these videos lack is traffic management. What i mean is that in a situation, braking may not be the best action because of what is going on around you. Another car is too close. Sometimes steering and acceleration could have a better outcome.


at some point Id like to see situations where there are no good answers like there is a person in the road and a car pulls out and blocks with not enough time to stop so what does the car do?


Bought XAI93x after watching your video, super excited! 💰


Last night, FSD on my HW3 MS saw a homeless person walk into my lane and came to a complete stop. I did not see the person until my Tesla stopped (he was dressed in dark clothing in complete darkness with no street lights). FSD prob saved his life and he’ll never know it.


9:00 the wham bam teslacam video from 2 weeks ago featured an accident involving the lead vehicle doing hard braking at a right turn. The vehicle had fsd supervised enabled and it didn't stop when the lead vehicle stopped.


great technology, and my robot vacuum still eats socks


I worked on closed course testing for Cruise at a GM site in Michigan. From what I understand the California based CC testing was in part done a location called Gomentum, in Concord if I recall correctly.

It is a decommissioned Naval base and is utilized for police training as well. Tracks are available to rent and Autonomous companies certainly use them. It is about 35 minutes from SF.

Cruise actually tested their Origin vehicle out there, and where Mary Barra had her one test ride with Kyle Vogt and some other GM execs.


How about perfecting camera system in bad weather ?


Those are definitely common scenarios where I live. Those child test were very important. In my area, pedestrians are pretty close to suicidal. No stopping whatsoever to see if someone is close. They just step off the curb walking quickly without looking. A variant of that is children on electric bikes and their parents have taught them nothing about the road rules, or they taught the wrong thing. The kid motors across the road in the crosswalk at speed. Much faster than a person can walk. Very dangerous, and illegal in my state. Another perverse example I've seen is on a wide street with light, car in front stops to the left of the lane width and turns on left blinker. Large gap to right of them, and in my state DMV recommends pulling forward to the right before turning right. Car in front then proceeds to turn right despite blinker. These cases are probably endless. FSD will be climbing the hill for quite some time.


14:30 is a cheat. If they want the car to do the right thing, the blocking car shouldnt be needed. It should NOT swerve into the path the kid is facing, and just stop instead, slowly reacting later.


It is almost certainly mph.
You can calculate it from the dashed middle lines, between which are standardized distances.


I would assume the real life tests are smoke tests, but there’s a lot more going on in the sim to provide significantly more scenarios.


Skippy the bush kangaroo can't wait to test out FSD!
Sure deer are challenging. Moose: well that's going to hurt, but at least they are more linear in their motion. Kangaroos can move very quickly and they jump, not run. Of course there is a whole family of macropods (kangaroo like) from something the size of a rabbit to the big boys that you wouldn't want to mess with.


Yo Tesla engineers… hit me up. We gotta take you out into real world winter weather. FSD is like, well people who don’t know how to drive in winter.


Not sure if this is truly representative of FSD, but if it is and it’s consistent then I’m very very impressed .


All these situations are fine - as long as the car behind the Tesla also has FSD enabled.... otherwise there will be lots of rear-ending...
