Let's Watch - Star Trek: The Next Generation [93. The Nth Degree - Ft. Modi Operandus]

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Barclay's back, back again. And super smart.

This "podcast" series is a run through and break down of every single Star Trek: The Next Generation episode. From "Encounter at Farpoint" to "All Good Things...", this series is going to look at each and every one of the 178 episodes of the classic Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series that ran from 1987 to 1994. Engage!

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Barclays expression in sick bay when crusher tells him he is the most advanced human to ever live. I laughed a lot in this episode. its fun to watch. its got an uplifting star treky ending. i could rewatch this over and over. I think its pretty perfect 5/5 episode. any discussion is just nitpicks.


A lot of this plot is taken from the book "Wizard of Oz, " especially the giant head. The acting scenes are from "Cyrano de Bergerac, " which leads to the Barkley arc of social outcast to bedding Troy. Would have made the show much more interesting if they had carried the Cyrano theme further. For instance, suppose Barkley had acted through the computer and no one knew where it was coming from, bringing a mystery into the story.


+Event Horizon (I cant seem to reply to your actual comments for whatever reason): i think that Barclay is unique in that he grows in a pretty unusual manner compared to the others. Everyone else has development that is essentially a straight line from their introduction. Thanks for watching and commenting!


The chain reaction of goofy looks going from Riker to Troi to Crusher and back to Riker after Will tries to press Deana on whether Barclay's pass at her was a success or not will remain one of my favorite TNG moments of all time. (26:13 in the show)


Outstanding episode and a brilliant performance from Dwight Schultz as Barclay. I might have been a little disappointed (although not cheated) at the end, but it's more the journey than the destination.


Fun episode that reminds me of the Ethan Hawk movie "The Explorers". Aliens beam the instructions to build a spaceship to a young boy via his dreams. Really campy movie...and Robert Picardo is in it (Holographic Doctor: VOY). Did that guy ever have hair?


Reginald Endicott Barclay III is to Will CrUSHer as Beethoven to a Mozart...Or Nicolas R-USH to a math boy Eli Wall-ace.


Another fun discussion guys. I too was reminded of HAL 9000. I'm trying to recall now if any of the TNG characters ever grow as a person.... I'm not really sure, but doesn't Warf grow quite a bit as a person, and Wesley? or is that just the actor learning how to flesh out his/her role? It kinda seemed to me that J.L. Picard grew in some ways, learning how to be more comfortable with children, such as with Wesley over time, or such as in the episode (called "Disaster" I think) when he is stuck in the damaged Turbolift with the girl and two boys, or when he was emergency-transported along with Ensign Ro, Guinan, and Kieko, from a failing shuttle onto Enterprise, but they emerged as young adolescents. In that episode, Picard seemed to be quite comfortable around the children held hostage among them in the classroom by the rogue Ferengi pirates. He was quite gentle with Alexander and even recruited him to help on official Starfleet business of retaking the Enterprise! ... That to me is a very different Jean-Luc Picard than the one that was extremely uncomfortable around children, and Wesley Crusher in particular, (probably due to the guilt of killing Wes' father) :^)


ive enjoyed this podcast a lot, but i gotta say, you guys haven't read good fanfiction


Bad episode. it's a D. A threat that turned out to be a non threat? Lame.
