5 Guide Steps to DFARS 7020 Compliance

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I’m sure by now you’ve completed the NIST Self-Assessment requirement using the NIST SP 800-171 DoD Assessment Methodology. If so, you’ve likely have submitted the results through the SPRS- Suppliers Performance Risk System.

As you know, you can no longer delay your NIST 800-171 compliance if you want to do business with DoD. The Good News is that the Government is providing access to Grants to pay for the Assessment and Score.

Our 5 Steps to DFARS 7020 Compliance is included in this link; fill out the form to receive your free E-book:

1. It starts with the NIST Self-Assessment to calculate your DoD security score

2. Next, writing a custom SSP (System Security Plan) that tailors the controls to work for your unique organization

3. Then, development of the POAM - Plan of Action Milestones stating when each control will be implemented by

4. Almost done, enter your DoD security score, SSP scope, and PoAM completion date into SPRS

5. Finally, implement the controls, execute the PoAM, and work to achieve the full CMMC certification with our team of CSSP Certified Security Professionals.

Our Customers have Avoided losing Customer PO’s and have Opportunities to capture POs from Non-Compliant Competitors. If you haven’t completed your assessment, reach out to me as we’d love to help.

I really appreciate your time today and look forward to the opportunity to Help.

#dfars7020 #dod #cybersecurity #dfars7020compliance #poam #cssp
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