Adult Ballet - 4 Years of Progress! (2019-2022)

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It's a pretty long video because I was trying to be thorough about tracking progress on footwork, turns, jumps, so if you make it all the way thru without getting bored, thank you!

I do yearly progress videos for my own sanity. Otherwise, I feel like I'm not improving and will look ugly forever. I mean, I still look ugly, but not as ugly as Year 1, so it's something. Maybe by Year 10 I won't want to barf into a bag when watching videos of myself, but who knows.

I've taken class with the kids almost every day for the past 4 years. I also do figure skating almost every day and I keep yearly video progress of that too for the same reasons.
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This took my breath away. I start ballet for the first time next week and I'm close to 50. It's been a life long dream I didn't get to do as a child. This just made me SO excited!


As a ballet teacher, I can definitely tell you've been putting a lot of work and effort and the improvements are quite noticeable. Excellent work! However, you're not ready for pointe, and you weren't ready when you started. As exciting as pointe is, adults bone structure has been completely formed without the training that kids and teens have, so with even more reason you have to gain much more strength and flexibility, and not only in your feet, but in your core. When you're going on to pointe, you can see your shoes breaking down very low and that's because you're not lifting your heels to roll fully onto point. The shoes choice can also play a part, but I don't see yourself lifting with your core. And that's ok. You'll get there, but this can really do more harm than good. Practise with strength bands and increase your ankle range, toes movement autonomy and independence, and your core strenghth. You'll be ready for pointe if you keep going, but right now you're not ready and it's damaging your body. I'm not sure why teachers let you be on pointe, it's serious business.


As an adult beginner on lesson 2 its so hard to not compare to little kids, this was so, so inspiring. Thank you x


I am 25 and I just started ballet. The progress I am making is slow, because the teacher that I have takes her time so that we and our bodies can develop as dancers. Watching this motivates me to keep going and to trust the process. There is a recital coming up, and we don’t really have dance moves yet, we are still working on technique and we don’t even go across the floor yet. And that’s okay with me. I did say It didn’t matter how long it took as long as it is done correctly. However there are people who want to watch me preform… and I don’t think I will have much to show them. I want the support and people to believe in me.. It doesn’t help that I work, and don’t have time or space at home to practice.. so the studio is literally the only place once a week. But even still because my teacher is so repetitive with her teaching… it makes able to master what I am given.. so I am even grateful I am finally dancing and doing what I love. I can’t wait to see it come to fruition. And same with your journey it is inspiring to watch you progress over the years. Some of the things I was like no way that you can do already! Impressive. I don’t know how fast or slow my journey will be… but it is nice to see dancers at beginner level. I don’t know when I’ll go on pointe… but I don’t want to rush. I like watching my legs get stronger and toned! I just want to say, for you to keep going! You will find your way. And your legs got so much toned and stronger omg!! People will criticize, but it is good to listen and apply what you can. My teacher told me to slide the leg up, instead of lift it, keep your toes on your leg pointed and turned out. Ohh and most of all find your natural turn out and don’t push it too far back from your center and hips. I hope you find that useful 😊


This is incredible. I had tears in my eyes. I don't even know you yet I'm so proud of your progress! This has been a huge inspiration to me thank you so much for sharing this

Edit: I just read the description, YOU ARE NOT UGLY, you're stunning hard working women that takes time to work towards the things you enjoy and an inspiration to many people. Never call yourself ugly pls ❤️


You went en pointe way too early. During your turns, your knees were bent. Injuries could occur. I’m not being rude. I’m just telling it like it is. I do appreciate your dedication to this art form, though.


There is no one so clumsy that progress can be made. Congratulations!.


I can see you have made progress, and I applaud your commitment. I'd like to suggest finding instruction on spotting, posture, and center of gravity to polish your movements. Congrats on 4 years!


You have really worked hard. I’m impressed. You have really strong angles for Pointe! And your petite allegro is pretty!

I so admire you for what you’ve accomplished!


Some tips from a ballerina in training, make sure you're holding the arms from the back and keeping proper hand positioning. Also working on stregthing, flexibility and turn out should be a big priority for you. However you should not be en pointe your shoes are breaking too low and you do not have enough strength to strongly be en pointe. Please work more on your basics so you do not hurt yourself (7:34 shows your shoe breaking too low)


Adult former ballerina here researching adult ballet videos because I miss it and this just has me sobbing. It’s so beautiful. You are SO BEAUTIFUL. THANK YOU!!!


I don't know why, but I'm with everybody else. This brought a tear to my eye. Great work!!!


God bless you for tracking and sharing your progress, and congratulations on all the hard work paying off. You are stunning.


Congrats I’m 30 I decided 3 years ago I wanted to learn various dance forms I tried pole dance twice, chair dance once, and belly dance a few times which I love ❤️. I am now learning beginner adult ballet and want to start here because that’s where most dancers begin, I always had a love for the creative arts (acting, theater, filmmaking, writing, dance, music) thanks for sharing your journey with us 🤗


This is so inspirational to see! Thank you so much for sharing!


Well done! It takes courage and follow through to achieve this.


try doing all this on flat first ! then once you’ve perfected it or atleast have it really strong and any other ballet combination on barre or center once u get all that down on flat then u have to relearn everything en pointe which is alot more challenging!


i'm a beginner myself so I don't know much but your turns around the 8 minute mark were beautiful !! looked so smooth omg


Youve showed a great amount of progress and that Incredible But I would say you just go on point shoes a little too early I don’t go to the same school or ballet places you go to but at the place I go to do ballet I’ve been doing it for five years and I’m still not on point because we focus more on technique and flexibility before you can go on points because the strength you need in your feet and your legs to hold you up but you really good and your a natural at it Just keep up all the hard work 😁 also sorry if i came out like rude i dont i mean too in anyway


I hope you post again for 2023! Its so nice to see what progress looks like for those who started as adults. Ive been dancing for 1.5 years now and am really looking forward to pointe. My school says I need to dance in center en pointe before im allowed to join the shows. Hope youre doing well<3
