Matchmoving live video, Maya dynamics and Real Flow...all in one scene

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Its a bit rough and unfinished but still good practice on complex workflow and a proof of concept on getting shadows and other details in place for more intricate scenes. I'll be able to anticipate issues and make corrections during production.

The Real Flow flickering mesh seems to be tied to the render settings and the shader. I used a simple shader and Maya Software for the render. I'll use a better rendering engine (and take the hit on render times) on the next project.
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@onlyCreativity . Thanks for the critique and suggestions. Definitely not a perfect sim. I'll have to rewatch the NextLimit demo reel. I saw it several months ago but don't remember any details. I'll work on harnessing the parameters of Real Flow to make better sims with live footage-- getting the correct scale is right up there. I am happy with how the ball rendered. So many people matchmove static text it gets boring so I thought some dynamic animation interacting with the scene would be fun.


Not perfect but nice a concept. Shadows and timings were awsome. I saw something similar in the realflow demo reel of nextlimit. You should change the world scale, the footage is clearly not slomo. Good luck for your next project!


I wanted to see if I could recreate a scene from X-men...Stan Lee is watering his yard and the water floats...I didn't know it was part of the Real Flow Demo Reel..clearly, the resources of a full VFX house produced a better result than this test. But the concept is very doable.


yea, keep it up and if you need some help with RF send me a pm. :)
