Mars 2020 Mission pre-launch news conference

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NASA is holding pre-launch news conferences for Perseverance, their Mars 2020 rover which is scheduled to launch Thursday. There are two news conferences: One at 1 p.m. et and one at 3 p.m.

1 p.m. - Mars 2020 Mission pre-launch news conference. Participants include:

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
Omar Baez, launch director, NASA’s Launch Services Program
Matt Wallace, deputy project manager, JPL
Tory Bruno, CEO, United Launch Alliance
Jessica Williams, launch weather officer, 45th Space Force
3 p.m. - Mars 2020 Mission engineering and science briefing. Participants include:

Lori Glaze, NASA Planetary Science Division director
Jennifer Trosper, deputy project manager, JPL
Farah Alibay, mobility engineer, JPL
Ken Farley, project scientist, Caltech
Tanja Bosak, science team member, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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