SF Linkerd Meetup - REST to gRPC with Linkerd

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Watch Kevin Lingerfelt's talk from the San Francisco Linkerd Meetup held on May 7, 2019, at Buoyant HQ in San Francisco.

Kevin Lingerfelt is a software engineer at Buoyant and a core contributor to the Linkerd project, focusing mostly on the control plane, which is written in Go. Prior to working at Buoyant, Kevin was a senior staff software engineer at Twitter, working on infrastructure and decomposition of their legacy Ruby on Rails monolith.

Title: REST to gRPC with Linkerd

This talk will focus on how companies are moving their architectures from REST-based APIs to gRPC. It will cover reasons for moving and best practices for running gRPC in production.

As gRPC has gained popularity, the need for gRPC-aware observability and reliability features has also grown. Kevin will discuss in detail how Linkerd enhances gRPC by providing metrics, load balancing, and support for timeout and retries. He'll also describe how the Linkerd project itself employs multiple gRPC features to facilitate robust communication between its control plane and its data plane.
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