How to Aim Pool Shots, Billiard Training, Intellectual Tutorial

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I have been playing for 60 years and I wish I had this as a recourse earlier in life. I don't play much anymore but it is a pleasure to find such knowledge available to future champions. Great job.


One of the best tips i know of is never to adjust your aim while you are down for a shot. If you need to adjust, always stand back up and approach the shot all over again. You covered this in the main, but this version is gr8 for beginners and to discipline your process!


Your process is phenominal! And, people don't realize the difficulty of producing a video of this quality. Well done!!!


From 24:53 to 26:55 was where I had all my answers to aiming. It’s been mad difficult to see the ghost ball but just with that simple trick I can view the object ball without even doing so much! Thanks you so much for this video! It’s WONDERFUL


This is pure gold. This is one of the best pool training videos out there. I am really grateful that you share your amazing knowledge with us champ


I started playing 55 years ago, I learned that it's easier to learn from watching other players an improving your knowledge of the game than just hitting balls without studying the mechanics and fundamentals of pool. Everyone needs sometime alone on the table to work on their weaknesses, improvement always follows examination and review. Great video.


Wow! Thank you for a fabulously clear explanation on “aiming” and all the other process parts that go into making the shot more consistently. Much clearer and more comprehensive than all the others I’ve watched. I’ve started practicing making the same shot over and over and can see how you can still miss the shot if you don’t practice all of your method. Absolutely fantastic video quality also.


Two- always stay down after the shot! There is a tendency to stand up right away and then think your aim was off, when it was your fast movement that killed your shot!


This is easily one of the best videos on aiming I've seen.

I don't consider myself a beginner anymore, but I've seen nearly every video on "aiming"/shotmaking on youtube. The premise and execution of this video is clear and better defined than the others. When someone asks "how do you aim?" I'll send them this first. So much good stuff in here that took me a while to find out the hard way.


I'm ready for the pool table now.
I haven't played for the last 6 years and used to be pretty good but it was all trial and error, self taught and natural sense of geometry.
Thanks to this video, I'm definitely going to up my game now!


I am approaching 70. I've never had any technique just seat of the pants point and shoot making me a very inconsistent player. after watching your video I went over to my pool table and lined up some angled shots. Using the ghost ball method shown in your video I sunk every shot! It's hard to believe something so simple would improve my game 1, 000 %, thanks much for posting this. video!


wow thank you so much. For years ive had arthritits and my shaky hands wouldnt allow me to properly aim. Once i listened to you and stabilized my core it was like i was brought back to my youth. I truly thank you


This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you.. I really need a comprehensive beginner guide to follow episode by episode. This detailed explanation helped me to understand aiming better


I just started playing a few months ago after a coworker gave me a new McDermott cue! I have been learning so much. I just can’t believe how complex it all is considering it seems like such a simple game. I love it


Holy crap. I’ve been playing for more than 40 years. For about a 15 year period, I was pretty good.

I haven’t played regularly for the last 10 years or so. When I do go, every shot now seems so difficult. I miss so many previously easy shots. Through this video, I’m learning I’ve been aiming wrong. During the window when I was good, it was all feel and I was on autopilot. Now that the feel is gone, I have to line everything up, BUT I’VE BEEN LINING UP MY AIM WRONG.

It’s not easy admitting that after 40 years, but I guess that’s half the battle.


This is the finest pool tutorial I have ever watched. And I have viewed hundreds of videos. 😊😊


Thank you for making this video! I’ve been playing for years but have been struggling to help my wife…I had her watch this video once and she immediately not only started making harder shots…but she enjoyed the next session much more. I also have found your clear instructions and whimsical additions helpful to my game. Thanks again, I’ll be watching everything you put out.


I watched this video several months ago and yesterday when I played pool again I tried to apply what I remembered... And it was amazing! My aim improved drastically! Thank you!


If I only got one take-a-way from this video it would be @14 minutes or so, when he talks about treating every shot aiming at the CENTER OF THE POCKET. "This habit will make shooting the longer and more difficult shots a lot easier". Great stuff!!!


I've been playing pool for 40 years. This is the best aim video I've ever seen. I've got a fractional ball aiming video with like 30k views. This is VERY comprehensive and well organized and presented!
