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Robot that scraps with everyone to distract himself from the existential dread of being a robot in a decayed ruins of a civilization is probably my new favorite LARP.


Sneaking into a bandit camp
Knocking out bandit leader
Dragging him to a secluded place
Waiting for him to wake up
Once he wakes up you go "you are awake, we spar now"

This is SUCH a robot thing to do


-Creates a very OP character
-Challenges the strongest NPC in the game
-Wins and kidnaps him
-Trains with him for a bit
-Drops him near the sea and gives him his sword back
-Refuses to elaborate further



>be beak thing
>walk into town
>eats all the inhabitants
>refuse to elaborate


I think I met Chris Hunt or at least one of his team members about a decade ago at an indie game dev hangout in Bristol, England. I remember having Kenshi described to me and thinking it was unworkably ambitious for such a small scale indie development.

I've seldom been so pleased at being so wrong. Kenshi is a triumph of indie game development.


Kenshi 2 is in development. They're using Unreal 4 now, instead of the OGRE Engine. The OGRE Engine was responsible for a lot of the performance issues and instability, so hopefully the game will be much more polished out the gate.


Kenshi is one of the greatest indie games ever made. It's one of those games you wish you could forget, just so you can play it fresh all over again.


7:37 No Kenshi playthrough is complete without accidentally causing a civil war in Shark.


Despite having no narrative I fucking _LOVE_ the world building in this game, it's so detailed and deep, so alien, there's so much stuff hidden everywhere in books, dialogue, the scenery... Oh god, the scenery, there's some epic grand scale regions in this game that can't help but make you be in awe... There's nothing quite like it. I love this game, one of my favorites.


26:58 That is almost word for word dialogue that will sometimes happen between starving bandits and a player squad of only skeletons. After your skeleton yells at the bandits they don't eat and don't have food, the hungry bandit leader will say "...Oh." And then de-agro and walk away dejected.


I really like how you played this game, not much people do a "one character" playthrough


Kenshi is absurdly good at simulating that oriental style adventure we sometimes crave. Not really a game about saving the world but is more about perfecting youself or the group you decide to lead. That or simulating the samurai/kung-fu movies stories we love.
Since there is no game over when the initial character dies too i always enjoy choosing disciples when i get too powerful, like i'm some sort of ancient master of Kung Fu.
Amazing video by the way thank you very much. If you want a suggestion for another Kenshi playthrough try a group start or Beep Martial-Artist only playthrough, the dog start always tells my favorite starting story of a starving guy who couldn't kill this poor starving puppy and so he fed and raised him working as a miner and suddenly got a killing machine helping him in his adventures.


I love how your reviews are stories. It's just the most interesting format. Fantastic work like always!


Ah yes, Kenshi. The attempted surgery simulator.
(No seriously, the first time I defeated a bandit and he wasn't dead yet, I kept healing him up, then attacking him again, repeating the process until I FINALLY managed to cut off one of his limbs. It takes so much effort to dismember a character!!)


Warlockracy, as a recent viewer, I want to thank you for being a youtuber. Your videos are some of the few I genuinely enjoy. I have great respect for a channel the size of yours giving longer, detailed videos for your, YOUR, audience and not constantly "following the algorithm", selling creativity for success. I hope your channel lives long, have a very good.


I can't tell you how many hours I've sunked into this game. Its worldbuilding is my favorite out of any RPG in the last decade. Really looking forward to Kenshi 2 when it gets released.


Did not expect this, I thought it was going to be Morrowind or Enderal. But Kenshi is very good


As a Kenshi veteran, i'm glad to see this video and your first foray into the world. Exploring the setting for the first time is a magical experience i wish i could have again.
On the note of making the game too easy, i've come to the point where i actively avoid using stealth, pickpocket and assassination to avoid the game balance getting smashed to bits. When you "beat" the game using those one time, you really don't want to do it again. So instead i just level my characters to max levels before taking on entire cities in a straight up fight, and it feels infinitely better.


I've been playing Kenshi since 2018, and I cannot wait to see what they do with Kenshi 2. They could do so much more with the Unreal


One of the things with Kenshi is that, despite being difficult, the game gives you freedom to tweak your adventure however you want via it's modding tool: the Forgotten Construction Set, which is probably one of the most user friendly modding tools i've ever seen.

The game isn't afraid of you making customizing your own experience if you want to, unlike Dark Souls and the like, which force you into a specific mind set.
