Ferris wheels: a love story

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i'm a wheel, and i will
turn on you
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It took hard work and practice but I have finally shifted most of my default responses to conflict from defensiveness and being right to curiosity and kindness. Example: instead of "why are you late?" I ask "are you ok?" It is so much better for my mental health, and makes me a better employee and coworker.


I have a habit of getting stuck at the top of ferris wheels! At least five times in my life I've gotten stopped at the apex for way longer than it should take to load on more people, wondering if the ride is broken, if they'll have to get the fire department to get us this time (hasn't happened yet!)

The best one was when we got left at the top for about 15 minutes (I think this one was deliberate on the part of the operator) at the Arapahoe County Fair in Denver on July 4th probably 10-ish years ago, during which we were bone-rattlingly, probably illegally close to the fireworks show. A memory I'll never forget.


Wheels are possibly the perfect human symbol. They don't really occur in nature (unless you zoom _way_ out or _way_ in, I guess), but they feel so _natural, _ you know? It's a friendly, comforting shape, and we put them _everywhere._ They can represent departure and return, change and constancy, life and death. We think of our lives as turning wheels, our seasons, time itself. And then there are the trillions of mechanical innovations that built our civilization over the last 10, 000 years, all based on the wheel. When you get down to it, wheels might be our defining invention, both physically and metaphorically. That's pretty cool.


Thank you for this video. It made me cry, in a good way. Something that has shifted in my life without me noticing is how much more comfortable in myself I am. I spend a lot of time thinking about how I am changing as a person, but I didn't realize how much this part of the way I see myself (for want of better words) was changing until I did.


The wonder wheel is so good! I hope when you get there you appreciate its unique joy


I've lived in the seattle area all my life and have never ridden the wheel there. Maybe I finally should ... or maybe it'll start a chain of events that ends with me moving away.


I feel like I missed this when you first posted it but: the Kansas City Wheel opened at the end of last year, just in time for me to move here. If you come visit and check out our dope train station I promise to also take you to the KC Wheel. I do want to manage your expectations though: as a connoisseur of Ferris wheels, this is not going to make your Best Of list, but it is certainly a wheel which means it can ultimately be ON your list.

The one at Navy Pier is also very dear to me, as is the one in Santa Monica. Both make me think of being a road tripping teenager, feeling very free and full of possibility and like that was equal parts exciting and terrifying. I also have to give an honorable mention to the one at Coachella, which is a truly bizarre experience because for 3 or 4 minutes, you and your pals sit in a little sensory bubble and look at the lights and the insane sea of people.

Anyway this was a lovely video. You're amazing. Come visit me.


Wonderful ❤❤❤ fantastic job ❤❤❤ beautiful presentation ❤❤❤ have a good day ❤❤❤


I haven't been on many Ferris wheels in my life. The one that I do remember going on was a small carnival one at a local music festival, I ran into a friend and we decided to write it together. It's a very sweet memory


I've realized I put a lot more effort into communication than many people which is good. I think it means I'm a good listener.


I've never went on Farris Wheel, and I only very recently went on the first rollercoaster. It was mostly ok, yet far from something amazing or anything. One of them had a different kind of drop, and I cries afterwards, and I don't really know why, something in me just hated that particular experience.
As for interesting realisation, it was when I spend a night with someone, after a long break. I realised I'm ok sleeping alone, thing I very much hated the first few months after previous break up.


This makes me think of Ferris Wheel by Sylvan Esso. Such a dreamy vibe.


Heh. My realization that I am a lesbian was a shift that I didn't notice for a LONG time... or else I repressed it for a long time. The acceptance was gradual.


Calling Austria eastern europe is gonna make you a lot of austrian enemies 😅
