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Neither vegans are wrong but neither we do not find fault the fact that we do not want to see animals being slaughtered, but as they say 'we have no right to kill' and so they have no right on peoples diet. Whenever any 'dear' vigan is posting many videos with cute piglets to show how loving this animals are, however in our eyes they are always bacon because thats the way we grown up (wheather i dont really like bacon as a person) .Respect if you are special or an animal lover, vegan, women, Jew, black and anything to do to with what we call 'stand out' to the world. However there are MANY other problems than the mass slaughter of cows and pigs, if this is for you the main problem of this world and you believe we can save it by stop eating meat will make the planet better, you have very stupid perception in my opinion its not a joke you gona get crazy with all of this thinks.you can eat everything you want i dont like the meat too much but i dont post videos with VEGANS VEGANS VEGANS.i know you dont like all of that and you will delete the comment but i hope you think more for your life and the rest of the human life.thank you if you read this and for your time.
