The Left Brain vs Right Brain Myth Analysis Art

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This is a new style of video I’m testing. This video discusses the myth of the left brain vs the right brain and the characteristics associated with it. Leave a comment below if you liked it, if you want more, or if you liked it and don’t want more!

Script written by: Madison Kate Stafford
Painter: Nadir Chen Siddiqui

A well-known term among psychologists, scientists, and even modern culture is “left-” and “right-“ brain. You may have heard one of these terms yourself, as a means of someone else describing you. Maybe someone remarked upon your amazing math skills, telling you how you’re a left-brain thinker; or maybe you painted an awe-inspiring picture, and someone remarked upon your right-brain thinking talents. You may have even taken a test to determine which brain hemisphere you’re more oriented to, if you’ve stumbled upon this topic on your own.

So, what do the terms ‘left-brain’ and ‘right-brain’ mean?

If left-brained thinking is considered digital thinking, focusing on topics such as calculation and analysis of the world; and right-brained thinking is considered analog thinking, focusing on topics such as art and creativity, you might be wondering if it’s possible for a person to be both left-brain and right-brain thinkers, or mentally ambidextrous. You might think you’re mentally ambidextrous yourself, neither 100% left-brained, nor 100% right-brained. If so, don’t worry, there is such a thing as mental ambidexterity. In fact, most successful and innovative people practice using both their left and right brain hemispheres.

The general verdict is this: in the 1960’s, Sperry’s research may have been (and most likely was) true. However, in modern times, the idea of left and right brain thinking has been debunked. It is now more a matter of opinion, and what you wish to believe. The fact of the matter is; science, neuroscience, and psychology as a whole are consistently coming up with new ideas, facts, and information. Scientifically, what may be true today, could be proven incorrect tomorrow.
Рекомендации по теме

Great video! I personally prefer your usual whiteboard style videos with written words to accompany less detailed pictures, but this was also pretty enjoyable to watch. Just my opinion, love the channel!


the text in the description video is sooo useful for non native english speakers. i not only learn about phsycologist, also make better my english with ur channel, thanks dude.


I love the drawing, however I personally would've preferred to make the left hemisphere look "digital and updated" than "analog and outdated"; then again, thats my creative preference x3


This is one of the most informative and useful channel on YouTube.
Thank you for making this channel.


Youre backgroundmusic is really good 😊!


oh my god, you are such a great artist and if that's really you then you're amazing and you're mentally ambidextrous. this video was a great explanation of the supposed function of the left and right sides of the brain and you added a good example of a person who is mentally ambidextrous. Thank you. you are an amazing human being.


hey @practicalpsychology can i ask how many people have subscribed for your newsletter?


I guess that both of your ways are great, but I prefer this way because now when I think of this concept I could visualize it seeing this picture and hearing you talk in the background! Keep up the good work man!


I like the normal whiteboard videos but that picture is really cool. You're super talented, keep up the great work, I love your videos.


wow wish this had more views, great video!


this painting is so freaky good! I love it! <3


I like that you're drawing something that's themed on the video, it gives it more of a visually creative asspect of it.


I like the fact that you try new ways of presenting your videos, however it´s easier to remember and truly understand your words when we can see a suitable picture to it like in the usual videos
Nevertheless you are an amazing painter - it looks incredible!!!


You know the feedback from these comments are pretty interesting. I personally agree that this format doesn't work cause you're trying to present 2 complicated pieces of content at the same time. A strong visual content and a strong informational hearing one that don't exactly go hand in hand. It's a bit too impactful for the viewer.

That being said, I kinda wonder if doing a more simpler realtime drawing would have made the content more enjoyable. Youtuber Will Terrell does a wonderful job at pulling it off and making the content have a pretty subtle connection to what he's talking about.
That being said, with your usual short 7-10 minute videos I don't know if this format would work for you in general but it's something good to know.
Also the left and right brain topic is suuuppeerr complicated in itself and maybe a more simpler one would have been easier to test with imo.
I'd love to talk more about it if you're interested in testing other ways to experiment with your channel.


animations do help visualize better but the art itself in this video is masterpiece. our mind tend to focus more on the painting rather than the words so it's better to stick with animations as we could to understand better.


Love the art man, I personally enjoyed this style a lot but wouldn't stick to it for all videos. A mixture is nice!


Your videos are extremely informative and helpful. I enjoyed watching the art while listening.


i like the time-lapse drawing of the illustration. such finesse!


I absolutely LOVED this video. I'm extremely passionate about art - my life goal is to be a full-time artist and I already am such - and at the same time I'm fascinated by science, psychology in particular. This video speaks to both sides to me, and it was perfectly executed and the artwork was stunning. I'm very, very glad I watched this video. My favourite Practical Psychology video I've seen so far, which is saying a lot.


Fantastic video as always! Becoming a massive fan of your channel.
