Zirconia vs. PMMA: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your All-on-Four Prosthesis

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There are different types of materials that are used to make your All on 4 prosthesis. Dr. Choi goes over all the different options and why its very important you pick the right one.
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Thank you for informing people of this, if you are a dentist out their and have a practice doing this, it just shows that you don’t care about your patients or your own reputation or practice.


Thank God I found Dentaprime UK in London. Brilliant work, have their own lab for the teeth. 15k top and bottom zirconium and all extractions needed included.


I just got my temporary and they're beautiful. The zirconia samples I saw were even better. I'll be getting mine about next February. The cost is $11k per arch, $22k for the full set.


Thank you just got my pmma soon will have my zirconia about 5 months.


I have insurance that will pay for the pulling of the teeth. I don't need bottoms just tops. I am looking into most likely doing the removable hybrid dentures so I don't have to worry about the food getting stuck in there. I've had a few consultations & I'm not even kidding you EVERY TIME THEY PUSH PUSH PUSH for flat out dentures FOR A 33 YEAR OLD. I really do need to get them done asap though cuz I have congestive heart failure & my doctor's keep telling me that it's concerning having the infection issues I have with my weak heart. I'm not really worried about the final cost I'm more concerned with the amount per month. Cuz that is what is going to make the difference.


Wow, I’m starting see light on horizon, Thanks doc !


If the top arch only uses traditional dentures due to my dentist saying the top does not have enough bones, so no implants. Lower can do implants and if lower arch is zirconia hybrid all on 4, should my upper also uses zirconia dentures too? Since if the top is PMMA, the bottom zirconia prosthesis might crush the top denture if it's just acrylic?


I love your videos. So informative. I hope you don't mind a non dental related comment but could you hire someone to decorate your break room. I get that it's a dental office but could you add some color to the walls and some pictures? I can hardly take the back ground. As an oil painter/ decorated, it reminds me of a blank canvas and I can barely take it.


My quote from the oral surgeon is 30, 000 for removal and temporary. My dentist then wants 25, 000 for the permanent six months later. She is of the opinion that zirconium looks great but it is too new to know how it stands overtime. She thinks it’s very strong, however, it’s brittle and can break, and if it does, you have to replace the whole arch. From what I’ve read, most dentist seem to prefer zirconium. What do you think?


Dr Choi, will you work on out of state patients? I feel comfortable with you, listening to you.
Id like the zirconia full upper arch. The bottom arch could use some shoring up .


Im having my procedure done in Miami Americas First Dental Implant Center - They only do Zirconia. $15k per arch. Pull them up and take a look!


Doctor you say pricing for Zirconia 30 thousand top and bottom?? I had 6 Zigomatic implants on top. I pay 20 thousand and I thought I will get Zirconia bridge. Today they call me and they say I will get a PMA with a hybrid bar. I told the lady I don't care what I'm getting but I do not want any plastic in my mouth. I told her I did not went thru this surgery to get a piece of plastic. I wanted ceramic or something similar. At the beginning we agree with a zirconia bridge, now they are changing. Please let me know if the 30 thousand is for top and bottom
Thx Doc


Thank you for sanity! I like your approach and agree with most of your information. Expansion and contraction of metal (amalgam) in my teeth eventually fractured a good number of them. Why am I to believe that metal implants will not do the same to my jaw?


Your videos are very informative. Thank you for that! I am considering all on 4 upper and lower at the Malo Clinic in Lisbon. They recommended to me Ceramic for the upper jaw and a titanium/acrylic for the lower jaw. Does this make sense to you? They seem to say that it lowers the chance of breaking. I have also read that zirconia can sound like coffee cups clinking together on upper and lower teeth. I would love to hear your thoughts on mixed prosthesis's.


Are you allowed to NOT have a plastic prosthetic and just allow the implant to heal? Also, I want the implant zirconuim not titanium. I had materials / bio compatabilty testing done and titanium is a big ‘no no’ for me.


what about porcelain? and also what do you think of composite in combination with zirconia? as in composite on top zirconia on bottom? do you think thats better ir both top and bottom zirconia? what is composite?


What are you thoughts on the hybrid titanium bridge system with individual crowns fitted onto it?


Can I do immediate loading with zirconium insofar PMMA?


I have a question Dr. Choi. Does your practice do snap on dentures? And what are the pros and cons. I've been told I don't have enough bone for the all on four. So I though perhaps snap on dentures might not need as much metal in your bone. I love your videos!!


What is your favorite color like your complexion please BL2, BL3, BL4 Thanks
