RECARO Tian Elite Tutorial Video

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The correct installation of the child seat Tian Elite is very important for the safe and comfortable transportation of your child.
In this tutorial video RECARO shows you how it's done:
00:09 Installing the child seat in the vehicle with the vehicle seat belt (gr. 1)
01:25 Strapping the child with the integrated harness system (gr. 1)
01:49 Switching from group 1 to group 2/3
05:15 Installing the child seat in the vehicle with Seatfix (gr. 2/3)
05:40 Strapping the child with the vehicle seat belt (gr. 2/3)
06:11 Removing the child seat from the vehicle (gr. 2/3)
06:37 Advanced Side Protection
07:05 Adjusting to the body size
07:28 Reclining position gr. 1/2/3
07:44 Sound System
gr. 1/2/3
9 months - 12 years
9 - 36 kg
- Sound System
- Air ventilation system
- Resting position
- Patented HERO safety system
- Advanced Side Protection (ASP)
and many more!
In this tutorial video RECARO shows you how it's done:
00:09 Installing the child seat in the vehicle with the vehicle seat belt (gr. 1)
01:25 Strapping the child with the integrated harness system (gr. 1)
01:49 Switching from group 1 to group 2/3
05:15 Installing the child seat in the vehicle with Seatfix (gr. 2/3)
05:40 Strapping the child with the vehicle seat belt (gr. 2/3)
06:11 Removing the child seat from the vehicle (gr. 2/3)
06:37 Advanced Side Protection
07:05 Adjusting to the body size
07:28 Reclining position gr. 1/2/3
07:44 Sound System
gr. 1/2/3
9 months - 12 years
9 - 36 kg
- Sound System
- Air ventilation system
- Resting position
- Patented HERO safety system
- Advanced Side Protection (ASP)
and many more!
RECARO Tian Elite Tutorial Video
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