Legend of Everfree (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

00:00 Legend of Everfree (Main Title)
02:14 The Midnight in Me
03:43 Embrace the Magic
06:12 We Will Stand for Everfree
08:15 Legend You Are Meant To Be
10:45 Hope Shines Eternal

Music Composer: Daniel Ingram
Non-generated by YouTube.


#Letupita725HD #MyLittlePony
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00:00 Legend of Everfree (Main Title)
02:14 The Midnight in Me
03:43 Embrace the Magic
06:12 We Will Stand for Everfree
08:15 Legend You Are Meant To Be
10:45 Hope Shines Eternal


I find it fascinating that the characters who sing "Unleash the Magic" from Friendship Games & "Embrace the Magic" from Legend of Everfree have such a similar goal, despite having almost polar opposite intentions. Principal Cinch was trying to manipulate Twilight for her own agenda, as well as the benefit of Crystal Prep High. Sunset Shimmer on the other hand, was trying to help her friends feel more confident and accepting of their magic. It's just really interesting given how similarly themed the two songs are, and the extent to which people can differ in why they say the things the say


I sang Hope Shines Eternal in the bus while on our way back from a school trip. And everyone was actually listening, and even sang along in the second chorus, even when they hadn't even heard the song earlier. Truly, this series' music is magical.


08:15 Legend You Are Meant To Be & 10:45 Hope Shines Eternal are my favourite songs!


The songs from Legend of Evefree are some of the best parts of this movie!


Was waiting for this one in particular when you started uploading the Equestria Girls soundtracks! Very short tracklist, but each song is fantastic. Thank you so much! 😁


Embrace The Magic will always be one of the greatest songs in the world!🌹 Sunset Shimmer inspires a lot of people and we owe her a debt of gratitude! We love you Sunset 🌅💖 SUNSET FOREVER!!!


This movie here is also one of my most favorite Equestria Girls movies ever since I already have this movie on both Blu-ray and DVD, and I also really love all of the songs from this particular movie too! Even though I also enjoy watching Legend of Everfree anytime of the year, I actually really like to watch this movie more during the spring and summer months though better since this movie has some sort of a spring and summer vibe to it, especially considering that the movie itself apparently takes place at a summer camp and it's set all outdoors too which I really like. I've never been to a summer camp or anything before myself, but I really enjoy being outdoors though, especially during the spring and summer months when the weather is really gorgeous outside, and summer is even my most favorite season of the whole year.


First comment. I love you Letupita725HD and all your videos you have posted many years 💙💙💙💗💗💗💜💜💜


BEST SONGS & an underrated movie tbh! I don't see people talking about it that much but it's one of my favourites! it's so magical!!💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚✨💚


Man, the soundtrack brings back memories when I was excited to watch this movie.


100% Super Fantastic and Wonderful songs 🎶🙂⭐️🌈📱👏


I love the Equestria Girls with my whole soul. My heart. This is my favorite Equestria Girls movie.
merry christmas pegasis', bronies, and unilings.
thank you so much Letupita, for turning on comments. (I've been waiting for this day). Edit: 10 months later realizing youtube is the one who turns off comments, either way, I'm glad I finally got the chance to thank you. I am forever grateful. Forever free.
Now I can thank you, for all your hard work and passion, for keeping My Little Pony Generation 4 alive, carrying on their legacy. Even posting for G5.
Thank you. Your channel means a lot to me. Take care. 💟🎄


Esta es una película que tiene partes buenas y parte malas pero luego están las mejores partes que siempre atesorare en mi corazón como las canciones "Legend you are meant to be" y "Hopes shines eternal" esas canciones son lo mejor de lo mejor 💜😭👌


This title track or intro and rainbow rock’s title track eats so hard (or jus mlp songs in general but these 2 movies have my heart)


I don't know why but for some reason I never found this movie enjoyable like the others, I rate this higher than FriendshipGames though. (Ofc all the music are still bangers)


*joke comment in contrast to my serious one*
anyone want to talk about "WE WILL STAND FOR EVERFREE" except she's literally locking them in the camp.

For Neverfree, for Nevermore!


My little pony is the best in the world


I’m still upset that Equestria Girls got canceled ever since G4 ended


MyLittlePony Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks 13:18
