What is Expert System in Artificial Intelligence| How it Works | Components of Expert System

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Expert System in A.I.

it is a predecessor of all Artificial Intelligence technologies. Purpose of expert system is the system acquires knowledge & skills of human experts, in a particular area, then it uses that knowledge to solve problem without human participation.

Components of expert system
1. knowledge base.
2. Interference Engine.
3. User Interface.

2 strategies of Interference Engine.
1. Forward Chaining.
2. Backward Chaining.
Рекомендации по теме

Expert system is an information service that simulates the intellectual capabilities of a highly qualified person - an expert in a particular subject area. ES can be implemented as a separate application or be a component of an information system that plays the role of an intelligent decision support subsystem (IDSS). The principal feature of the ES is its ability to comment (explain) the decision it received in a form close to that in which a human expert himself would do it.
