FrSky M9 gimbals Fail

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I've had the same with the original gimbals on the X9D+, also on yaw. Turned out to be caused by the wire harness from the yaw pot to the board being routed incorrectly. It should run to the side, in a wide arc, so when the stick moves up and down, the arc just needs to flex a bit to enable the movement. But on my radio, the wire harness was routed straight down, causing a sort of S-shape bend in the wires, which eventually made one fail just above the yellow glue-like stress relief "goop" was. So the wires had been fixed, but in the wrong orientation, eventually snapping a wire.

I was able to solder it back on, re-routed the harness to the side, so it would be just like the opposite stick, which showed zero signs of wire fatigue in any spot, and transmitter seems fine again now. Your video helped me to diagnose the problem, the transmitter screen showed the same random activity on the yaw output, when the throttle got close to center.


I had the same problem with yaw all three wires had stretch! gimbals were only about 6 months old.. re soldered them and it worked a treat! Thanks for this!! it was driving me slightly more nuts.


Wow Roll gimbal? Dang how old is the radio
