BDO Energy: The Definitive Guide | Top Tips To Get More Max Energy

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This BDO guide will explain what Energy is, why you need it, how much you need and how to get more of it quickly. Links below.

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Energy is a resource that refills over time. The character that is logged on refills 1 Energy point every 3 minutes. There are buffs that make your Energy refill faster, such as the Blessing of Kamasylve and Turning Gates. Characters that are logged out only gain 1 energy per hour.

Overflowing Energy is a waste of silver.

The 5 most important uses of Energy are:

1) Lifeskills: Gathering, Hunting, Farming.

2) Hiring new workers at a Work Supervisor NPC costs 5 Energy every roll. A professional worker costs more than 300 Energy on average, while an Artisan almost costs 2000 on average.

3) Nodes: You can use Energy to activate and deactivate nodes remotely if you are running a value pack. And you can invest Energy into node levels.

4) Amity: Getting amity with an NPC also requires Energy, regardless of whether you’re doing an amity minigame or waving at them.

5) The most basic way of getting value out of your Energy is by exchanging 200 of it for Energy Potions XL at Alustin the Alchemist. It recovers 50 energy points with a 10 minutes cooldown. If you don’t need it, you can sell it for passive income in BDO.

Everyone should have at least 210 Energy to manifest Energy Potions XL. The 10 extra on top of the 200 are a buffer.

If you do Gathering, you probably want to have more than 210 Energy. 300 Energy (with buffs) lets you gather most things for about 1 hour. 300-400 Energy is comfortable.

You can calculate the ideal amount of maximum Energy for you. Let’s say the longest time that you’re not at the PC is 10 hours. If you’re not running any buffs, you refill 20 Energy per hour. 10 hours times 20 Energy per hour is equal to 200 Energy. Add a buffer, and 210 what your maximum Energy pool should be. Do this calculation for your buffs and afk time.

Let’s look at how you can increase your maximum Energy. Press H ingame. This opens the Knowledge window.

The Character category requires you to meet NPCs ingame. Topography is about discovering new places. Sea is just like Topography, but you discover islands. Ecology is about killing monsters. Adventure Journal is a mix of quests, dialogues, amity games and interaction with objects. Academics is mostly amity. Lifeskill, Learning the ropes of Black Desert and Trade don’t reward any Energy.

Character and Topography are the easiest. You should focus on them at the start. Ecology is the next-best option. You can do some Ecology topics while travelling around and speaking to NPCs for Character and Topography.

Same-place topics like Red Orcs are easy. At first, you just kill any monster you see. After a while, see what’s missing. Microtarget these mobs. Target function can highlight the right monsters on your minimap. With spread-apart topics like Beasts, do some travel time optimization.

There are several knowledge gain modifiers: Simple Cron Meal, Surging Weenie Elixir, Reliable Looney Elixir. Eye and Ear Accessories from the Pearl Shop. Certain Pets from the Pearl Shop.

Some mobs might follow special rules. Make a habit of reading the comment section on BDO Codex and BDO Database to learn about these details. Swap servers for mobs with long respawn timers.

There is one hidden subcategory of Ecology topics called Fish Species. You don’t complete it by killing mobs but by talking to the Otters Holio, Thulo and Jiro around Demi River for +2 maximum Energy.

The next-best thing is probably Sea. Get your own boat or ask a friend or guildie with a boat to take you.

Then you can do Adventure Journal and Academics if you still want more energy. For Amity games, I recommend transferring a fast horse from your main character to one alt character after the other. Then, you can do an Academics session once every two weeks with a lot of Energy.

About the Adventure Journals, some of the topics will be completed anyway from the main quest. Keep track of which crossroad quests you pick. Make sure you have all Quest types active so you don’t miss any knowledge quests.

The BDO Energy Guide features 3 bonus tips:

1) Use 2x “Magic Crystals of Infinity - Energy” on idle alts for +20 Max Energy.

2) Use (Fresh) Whale Meat Salad for a temporary +10 - +20 Max Energy.

3) Read a Pearl Book Furniture to semi-afk your knowledge grind. You get 1 piece of knowledge per hour. However, you can’t swap channels unless you remove your alts from the bookshelf.

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Useful additions from other players:
- You can get extra Energy from having a lot of titles. But there are less titles than you can theoretically get to reach max Energy from titles. This explains why the cap at 629 right now (thank you Koa).
- You can Gather from gatherable animal corpses, which will give you an extra chance to drop their knowledge after killing them (thank you kuki).

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When he first mentioned Ecology I got a shiver down my spine. The game designer that concocted that part of the game should be trialed for crimes against humanity. He’s one sick bastard. Excellent guide my friend!


When I understood some knowledge would give me 3-4 energy points at once, my life changed


It's insane how much better your Black Desert guides are compared to the average. Your videos are from heaven, literally.


Tip for the monster knowledge: some mobs you can use a gathering skill on after its been killed.
Like getting meat/blood out of it. It will also count for getting the knowledge. Basicly double the proc.


Thank you ! Your guides are extremely detailed and helpful, I hope you get the recognition you deserve, keep making these amazing videos !


Ive watched a bit of energy guides but this one is extremely well done. I think its time to go past 250!


Heaven Guide is too quality. Thanks for making such fine content ❤️


I need help in recovering my actual real life energy. Anyway, amazing content, man. Very direct and clear explanation of how things work. Keep it up <3


You are doing an amazing job with those tutorials!


GREAT BDO guides AND a Lain profile pic. top tier my dude


Hey, so much perfect guides, thank you.

Regarding this one, I personally do spend a lot of time in libraries.
Like literally.

I mean when you discover new city or place, if there is a library, just click all shelves (and spend some energy) to get some knowledge. It is really nice imho since all are gathered in one place.

Cheers !


Wow thx a lot i really needed this video 👍


I'm struggling a lot to get my energy-pool higher. This helps a lot to improve it. Thank you! :)


Thank u! Continue doing this great job!


Red Battlefield daily quest recovers 200 energy, if you win claim the rewards but if you keep loosing have to do 5 times Red Battlefield for 200 energy


I just started playing and man this game is deep! I think your guides are really gonna help 👍


Ty for this great video. You leave me no choice but to sub :) Started BDO a week ago and learning a lot from your videos!


After playing since launch and returned late last year after Hiatus since kama part 1 came out, Im glad to see that node investment affects monsters drops now. It was always rumored but nothing to back that theory up. Such a relief all that energy investment wasnt in vain :)


Jeez. I have been playing this game since launch in my region and I never knew about the targeting feature. Haha, I always wished I could do it. Thank you.
