One villainous scene - How Ridley Broke Samus

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His introduction and boss fight in super Metroid are some of the most iconic moments in the entire series, and gaming in general. And every time he appeared since, he had a uniquely savage energy compared to other bosses in the games. Always getting up close and personal with Samus. Even picking her up and throwing her around in a way no other enemies dared to. It was always clear that Ridley was Samus’s true archenemy. But why was that? What distinguishes Ridley from his fellow pirate generals and bosses?

Ridleys Voice actors!:

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Alright too many pretentious big words. Moving right along to the next video.


That levels up ridley's evil by a notch or two "killing her parents was a happy accident, he was aiming for the child"


Ridley is a cool inverse of the "But for me, it was Tuesday" trope. Whereas many villains show their cruelty by committing too many atrocities to remember a specific one, Ridley shows his cruelty by reminiscing on every single atrocity he committed.


The best part is how opposite Ridley is to Aamus. Its cannon that Samus cares alot for life and has a soft spot for various animals, and even baby metroids. And Ridley is the complete opposite feeding into his wrath and gluttony, just killing anything he wants to kill.

It says alot about Samus and her kind animal life loving nature that she interacts with ridley at a young age, and how its contrasted by Ridley immediately wanting to kill a helpless child.


One more thing to note about the scene where he goes to kill Samus as a child.
It's how it plays out. Samus learned only a little while ago that Old Bird, the Chozo, wasn't scary and she could be friends with him. When she encountered Ridley, she didn't see the mayhem going on, just that there was this big dragon thing. She introduces herself and fights back her fear, despite Ridley asking her "Aren't you afraid of me?" She continues to talk to him, even mentioning that she's not afraid and that they could be friends, and of all things, Ridley is almost saddened at how this little girl has no comprehension of the danger she's in. Speaking in an unsettlingly kind voice, Ridley replies "I'm sorry, but, we can't be friends." Samus of course asks him why, and *THIS* is when he reveals his true colors and happily announces "BECAUSE, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE." The plasma shot he intended to shoot at Samus only didn't hit her because Samus' mother shouted her name, and it caught Ridley's attention long enough for him to switch targets and instantly incinerate her. He could have killed Samus without her knowing there was anything to be afraid of, but he purposefully lulled her into a false sense of comfort before throwing her into fear JUST because he wanted to hear her scream before she died.


His own Smash Reveal did him more justice than the scene in Other M. Although it does somewhat rely on knowing Metroid lore they definitely give Ridley more emotion and show more that he isn’t just some scary monster by having him kill Mario and MegaMan and twirl Mario’s hat almost as if he’s taunting Samus that he just got another kill under his belt


Why Ridley is better than most villains

Thanos- has a weird reason to kill but cares for the ecosystem

Eggman- has a stupid reason to kill and doesn’t care for the ecosystem

Ganondorf- He has a semi normal reason to kill and could care less about the ecosystem

Ridley- The f*cks an ecosystem? This human flesh ain’t shit


Ridley is definitely not only what made Samus who she is but is the one that possesses a true physical and psychological threat to her. Just his very appearance fills her with the intense fear she felt reliving those terrifying memories of her childhood coupled with absolute rage at the monster who savagely butchered her friends and parents. Every victory against him fills her with relief and closure until the next fight.


To quote another YouTuber

“For Ridley, killing isn’t a job. It’s an honor.”


Samus be like:
You burn my house to the ground.
Ridley: Shrugs
Samus: My family is death, why should I do?
Ridley: Shrugs


Just the fact that it starts out with her trying to befriend him, and him actually seeming almost saddened by it...
It hammers home that he's not just a mindless killing machine, but a sentient creature, with actual emotions... it's just that he cares more about his own gain, than about anything else.
That and him later taunting her like that, makes him an incredibly satisfying villain to watch.


Other Neat things about Ridley

Samus is the sole survivor from his raids making it the only failure in his murder pass time that he has not fixed yet.

Also with the amount of Time Ridley had and him wiping entire planets clear of life it is very possible that his kill count of sentient life is in the trillions. Let that sink in for a moment. This random Space Pirate Dragon has just for the fun of it one of the highest kill count in ALL of fiction surpassing many death gods, destroyers of worlds and other overpowered calamities.


Ridley in the games: Just some friggin' space dragon.

Ridley in the expanded universe: The Joker to Samus' Batman with a sprinkling of Joe Chill.


The best way to make an irredeemable monster work as a character is to make them entertaining as hell


Do note that most of the backstory presented in the manga ALREADY EXISTED within manuals and one off comics released alongside previous games, we already knew Ridley killed Samus's parents by the time Fusion came out.

The metroid manga simply compiled all of that important information into a single definitive package (minus the final chapter that summarizes Zero Mission that definitely isn't canon).


Ridley really pulled a

“That’s why yo mama dead, “


Ridley is the definition of "Evil for evils sake"


They really need to give ridley a voice in one of the games, a scene like this fully voice acted in a modern game would be awesome


On the one hand, Metroid dread understood that the old staples- metroids, Ridley- their stories were told. We’d mined them for pathos and bringing them back after their parts were done would strain believability.

But I REALLY want to see Samus give him the Dread treatment, dispatch him just as brutally as the other bosses. Break his jaw first so he can’t eat to regenerate.


The Starscream esque voice for Ridley is a nice touch
