Prop shield 10dof demo
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Prop shield 10dof demo
Teensy Prop Shield from SparkFun!
Prop Shield and Teensy 3.x 3D Visualization
Teensy Prop Shield Realtime IMU Visualization and Plotting
Teensy 3.1 + Prop Shield + APA102 + FastLED
Teensy 3.1 + Prop Shield + APA102 + FastLED
Prop Shield IMU with Teensy 3 Realtime Plotting and Rendering
PJRC Teensy 3.2/LC Prop Shield - Bitesize Review
SparkFun Teensy Prop Shields | Maker Minute
Virtual Horizon with XBee and Prop Shield sensor
Rocket XBee transceivers with Teensy Arduino and Prop Shield
Teensy Dumpster Fire
Teensy + Teensy Prop Shield (IMU) Based Flying Wing Prototype
Teensy IMU
PKE Circuit - Pushbuttons with Batteries
Talking Sword
Propeller 2 step/dir set point follower using smart pins and a mouse
Teensy Hearing Aid - First Demo
Teensy WiFi Weather Logger (short demo)
TeensySaber blade style demo
KnigthRider Lightsaber (Teensy V3 Board)
Lightsaber sound synthesized with IMU
TeensySaber V2.2 test
TeensySaber Talks