10 Best-Performing Native Plants in my Garden

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The 10 Best-Looking, Easy-Care Native Plants in Susan Harris's Maryland Gardens are: Black-Eyed Susans, Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Spiderwort, Joe Pye Weed, Golden Groundsel, Amsonia, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Crossvine, Redbud.
Plus 3 Bonus Plants! Excluded for lack of good photos are the fabulous shrub Ninebark and perennials Penstemon 'Husker's Red' and Little Bluestem 'The Blues'.
Care: All 10 (like almost all plants) received some supplemental watering for their first season. After that, only the Hydrangea has needed regular watering. Pruning-wise, the Coreopsis is cut back after the first bloom, and that's all. No fertilizers or pesticides have been used on these winners.
All photos by the author except: Goldfinch by Tom Stovall; Monarch on Joe Pye by Flickr's mmwn; Redbud bloom by Flickr's Jim Liestman; Redbud leaf by Flickr's Vicki DeLoach; and Rising Sun Redbud by Flickr's WoodleyWonderWorks.
Plus 3 Bonus Plants! Excluded for lack of good photos are the fabulous shrub Ninebark and perennials Penstemon 'Husker's Red' and Little Bluestem 'The Blues'.
Care: All 10 (like almost all plants) received some supplemental watering for their first season. After that, only the Hydrangea has needed regular watering. Pruning-wise, the Coreopsis is cut back after the first bloom, and that's all. No fertilizers or pesticides have been used on these winners.
All photos by the author except: Goldfinch by Tom Stovall; Monarch on Joe Pye by Flickr's mmwn; Redbud bloom by Flickr's Jim Liestman; Redbud leaf by Flickr's Vicki DeLoach; and Rising Sun Redbud by Flickr's WoodleyWonderWorks.
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