James Wahlberg - Something special is happening in Medjugorje

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James first came to Medjugorje to visit his son who at the time lived in the Community Cenacolo. His first experience of going up the Apparition hill was a special experience because James helped the young men from Cenacolo carry a disabled person to the spot of the first apparition of Our Lady in Medjugorje. During his time here, James met several pilgrims who have experienced miraculous healing in Medjugorje. Listen to his testimony for the Fruits of Medjugorje series to find out how Medjugorje affect the journey of his faith.
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My mother arrived in medjugorje late at night and she wanted to go to the apparition hill. She was clueless where the apparition hill was and at the door step there was a dog. The dog started walking so my mom followed the dog. The dog led her to the apparition hill and it waited for her until she was done and it led her back to her room where she was staying.


My brother was diagnosed with cancer..he was in ICU when my brother in law brought a medal blessed in Medjugorie..he had just returned. The very next day my brother was healed. No sign of cancer. Drs were baffled. We knew.


I am 73 years old and I went to Medjugorje in 2002, en route to Poland on a Divine Mercy Pilgramage. I was touched, but I didn't know what to think then. But this past year Medjugorje has taken route in my soul, and I am praying for a miracle to go this year. God's Will.


Our Lady I can never get to Medjugore, to Apparition Hill, so I plead bring Your Graces and Blessings to me, my family, and all those I have brought before Jesus for release from ancestral and other curses and other serious illnesses. Bring the Healing Hands of Jesus to free us of our afflictions. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.


Our Lady of Medjugore, pray for us and for all who honour and invoke your intercession. Amen


I got carried up Apparition Hill in September by 4 young men "oxen with goat feet". So grateful for the Cenacolo volunteers from Tennessee USA, Hungary, Malta and a Russian satelite country. The sense of total brotherhood and peace on Earth one feels while in that holy city with all it's grace-filled residents is incredible. The whole city lives to serve the world population who flock there: Hotel hosts, families and workers, taxi drivers, shop and restaurant workers, town maintenance staff, church helpers and ministers, priests, nuns and volunteers. For two generations now!! God bless them all!! Jesus, I Trust in You. Mary, Queen of Peace, please pray for our sick world and bring us closer to your Son.


I read about a little boy who had leukemia and his family took him to this place and actually went into the room where the blessed mother was and only two people were allowed in the little boy was in between his father’s legs and he said look daddy the beautiful lady, he was able to see the Virgin Mary and later the father said that there was a very strong smell of roses.


This is beautiful! I wish I could take my 5 children and my unbelieving husband. It is my ultimate wish. I know a miracle would happen ❤


Medjugorje is a holy place that changes lives. I've been there twice and I will never be the same. It's the closest thing to heaven on this earth.


I just dreamt 2 hours ago before I woke up that 2 Americans were talking to me about Medjugorje. And now this comes recommended.
Glory to our awesome God.


Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. AMEN! 💚❤️‍🔥💙


I’m Protestant so I don’t know all the correct vocabulary for Catholicism. I think America needs more pilgrimage sites or need more knowledge about them. I also wish we had the marches or walks with banners, crucifixes on big wooden poles, sometimes the Eucharist, Priests or other holy people, & lots of lay people. I think it would help people feel connected as a community & to God. For those of us with disabilities or health, we should add a procession of people can’t walk all the way to drive together at the end of the route & meet the walkers.

I know Catholics get so many attacks from some Protestants for doing things like that & are falsely accused of “trying to buy salvation”, but we need connection now more than most times in history. We need as many group activities as Christians as we can get, such as the marches, group rosaries & other prayers, Bible studies, potlucks, vacation Bible school for kids, groups for teens, etc.


Went in 1992 and again in 2008! Both completely different experiences but completely divine! Love Our Lady who changed our life ❤!


I identify with your faith journey as mine also started in Medjugorge. My first visit, I went as a tourist, did not know anything about it, I just wanted a cheap holiday, but I left a pilgrim! And thus began my journey into the Catholic church and 10 years on, serving the Lord through several apostolic new evangelization missions. Praise God for drawing me to Him 🙏


At first, I thought the Dancing Sun is only for the three kids in Portugal. I never dreamed that I would witnessed it too. I was surprised, couldn't believe it happening, felt goosebumps all over my body & became teary-eyed. Thank you, Mother Mary !!


“Miracles are not contrary to nature but simply represent aspects of nature we don’t understand yet”
-Saint Augustine


I was "listening" to his testimony thinking he sounds like Donnie and Mark Walberg. Then I saw his name after i heard the video ....WOW. Another brother proclaiming his faith 🙏


please pray for my mother who is in hospice that the blessed mother heals her


My husband and I were there in November 2021. Everything that you’re sharing is 100% true. Our blessed mother loves her children so very much she definitely makes sure we feel that unconditional love while being there. God bless you.🙏


I too was healed of 5 medical conditions on my way home from Medjugorje amd it began 1 yr to that day via a zoom climbing cross mountain amd praying the 14 stations. Mother Mary is working miracles non stop in Medjugorje 🙏❤️🥰🙏
