Healing After Abortion | Stories From Our Past

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Hi my friends, in this video we are sharing with you both of our experiences with abortion and our journey to healing, forgiveness, and freedom. We discovered when we met that we both had a similar past and we believe that the Lord wanted to use our stories to help other people heal, receive forgiveness, and forgive themselves. We also want to bring awareness to the reality that life starts at the moment of conception and we pray this video can help save at least one unborn baby.

We are going to keep the comment section open but we ask for this to be a respectful place because of the sensitivity of the topic - all hateful or inappropriate comments will be removed.

We understand there are so many reasons why people think abortion is the only option, but there are so many organizations who are willing to help and offer support and we encourage anyone seeking to consider these options.

Resources: (I have only read her choice to heal from these 3 referenced below but the other 2 have great reviews - I would suggest to type in Christian Post-Abortive book and look at the reviews first)


+ Her choice to heal by Sydna Masse

+ Worthy of love: a journey of hope and healing after abortion by Shadia Hrichi

+ You're not alone: healing through God's grace after abortion by Jennifer O'neill

For "Christian Post-Abortive Counselling" because it is dependent on your area just type that into Google and there should be organizations that show up in your area, make sure to look at their website and email/call them to see what they offer

Pray about the resource and ask God to guide you as well as to guide you to someone you can share with who is Spirit filled and will offer support.


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I was in a similar situation. On the 6 of September 2019, I was 27 years old A month away from being 28, and I had just found out that I was pregnant. I have a 4-year-old daughter at the time. I was a single parent as well. And I lost it because I was being extremely careful to not get pregnant, and all I was thinking about was having an abortion. And one night after being home from work I was watching this movie on showbox named Unplanned, and just watching that movie prevented me from having an abortion. My daughter just turned 2 years old on the 17th of this month, and I can't imagine life without her. Her laugh her smile the way she smells the way she feels I love her more and more each day. Her name is Kehlani Naomi. Her biological father is not in her life, but she does have a daddy. I got married 2 weeks after her first birthday.


I needed this l had an abortion at 19 yrs old but GOD has forgiven me it hurts but l been healed God is amazing one day l will be reunited with my child


30 years after abortion I had severe depression and realised it was because of abortions. I had to go for ministry.
I will always deeply regret what I did when I was young and blind to the reality of what I was doing.
I appreciate you guys doing this video and also your honesty.
God bless you x x


The dad talking about his dream and then reading the letter was so touching.


I think it's interesting that the name "Zara" means "blooming flower" and "God remembers."

It's almost as if it's a reminder that God sees all the "blooming flowers" whose lives were cut too short. ❤


I found out I was 4 months pregnant when I was 22 years old & I was set on getting an abortion. (This was before I had a relationship with Jesus). I called Planned Parenthood as soon as I could, to schedule my abortion appointment and they had no problem setting up my appointment and even explained the entire abortion procedure (very graphically) over the phone. I was told the procedure would consist of “crushing the skull of the baby first and then removing all the body parts out piece by piece.” I’ll never forget, that very same week, I was in my car, driving, desperately wanting answers on if I was making the right decision. At that moment, I decided I did NOT want to go through with the abortion. I didn’t know Jesus at the time, but I trusted the voice I heard & never went to my abortion appointment & I decided to give birth to my daughter. As a single parent, I didn’t know how I was going to be able to raise her on my own, but by the grace of God - HE HAS ALWAYS PROVIDED FOR ME & MY DAUGHTER. 🙌🏼❤️ Now 6 years later, being saved & born again, I can see God’s hand/protection was on me all along. I didn’t deserve His mercy but He met me where I was & forgave me for my sins. I know He has a plan for me and He has a plan for my daughter 🙏🏼 I understood my life of sexual sin led me to becoming pregnant outside of marriage & that there are always consequences to our sins, but I also understood that my daughter was NOT the SIN. She was an innocent life that had nothing to do with the choices I made living in sexual immorality, outside of God's will. She was a result of MY sinful decisions but she, herself, was a BLESSING! I understand motherhood is a high calling & I’m so thankful God has entrusted me to be her mother & to steward over His daughter, raising her in the ways of the Lord. There are times the enemy still tries to condemn me with shame & guilt, but I am reminded there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I have repented and the Lord has renewed & restored me from all sexual immorality & set me FREE. 🙌🏼 His grace is sufficient & His love never fails. ✝️🤍✨ “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) THANK YOU JESUS! 🙏🏼


I just love how you both have calm personalities


I’m 22 and waiting for marriage. Prior to watching this I wasn’t acquainted to this subject. I’m so grateful you shared this. It literally made me tear up thinking about those little angels that never made it to earth alive. I have mad respect for all the mothers now, especially young/teenage moms 🙌 Appreciate the transparency you guys! 🥺 May God continue to bless you both ❤️


Thank you for your transparency. I’m sick and tired of people using the term “abortion” so lightly, carelessly, as if it’s nothing. I pray that you can find light and healing in God through your pain💔
May God reunite you with your angels❤️‍🩹


Your husband's story brought me to tears. That's very, very deep, him seeing his daughter not even knowing the woman was pregnant. Your story was heartfelt as well and I'm glad you both have healed. This video was very healing 💞


I see The Holy Spirit all over you both...just...wow! 😭
Transparency is so powerful...the enemy thrives in darkness and shames us so badly to cause us to give explanations, excuses and even deny just to survive the judgements of others but it's such a set up! I was so moved watching you both be vulnerable...and all for the sake of others! Paul said he would endure all things for the sake of the elect and I feel that so deeply as well...so seeing brothers and sisters walk that out...it's powerful beyond words. 🥲 We need to normalize being real and honest...because the façade of perfection and the toxicity created from maintaining that illusion are keeping humanity spiritually sick and blind. I thank God for Jesus...may He bless you both! 🙌🏾💕


Sarah your story sounds exactly like mine - I thought I had healed from my experience and repented but this video had me in tears almost straight away, especially hearing the dream and the letter🥺 I thank God I came across this video💖


Wow, thank you both SO much 😭. I was avoiding coming to Christ for the last 4 years because I didn't want to face what I had done at 20....of course at the time I felt tremendous relief, and for years after I felt no regret or guilt. None. And then, at about 25, I started to feel pulled to get closer to God, but I resisted so hard because even though I couldn't articulate it at the time, I knew I'd have to repent for certain things, one being abortion. I guess I wasn't ready to face what I had done at that time. I'm 29 now and closer with God than ever before, and to feel that grace and mercy that I am so undeserving of feels so incredible and peaceful. God is a good God. Thank you both so much for sharing.


God please grant me the bravery and courage that it took to be this vulnerable and live in truth 🙏🏾


Thank you, for your vulnerability, your transparency and for allowing Jesus and His love to shine through you. You're both so brave and courageous for sharing these testimonies and they truly will help so many more people in the body and the world heal, and will save millions of babies as you've declared. Much love, and I pray God's grace, favor and love will abound all the more for you guys and that He will open more doors and new doors where you can share your story to set others free.


Can't stop the tears, this was beautiful...I went through it Abt 20yrs ago and it was not until a year ago that I forgave myself. Shame and guilt does keep you living in the past. That letter to your daughter is just adorable and so touching. Tks for sharing.


I never would have considered abortion and have always been pro life but being pregnant 3 times by the age of 20 made me stand even firmer in my pro life beliefs, going to the scans and even seeing all 4 chambers of my oldest son’s heart beating away at just 7 weeks gestation amazed me and reading scripture made me realise the gravity of the situation I was in, reading that God knit my babies together in the womb made me feel so blessed and privileged to be able to carry them. Me and my husband feel so blessed to have our little family and I hope we can be a light to other young parents that are considering whether or not to keep their babies, The Bible says God will provide if we do what he says and that might not always look the way we want it to but God’s plan for our lives is so much greater than our own. This video made me so emotional I’m so proud of you both for speaking up and I have subscribed to your channel aswell ❤️


Truly this is biblically sound and such tender encouragement. Such a beautiful marriage you both have. I pray your Channel reaches many throughout your ministry ☺️🙏🤍


It’s a good thing to realize that what you did was wrong and then forgive yourself. And also to try and be a better person in the future. I admire that👍


Sending all the love to those who got an abortion 😞❤️
On the flip side of this, I also considered abortion but kept my baby (I would have probably unalived myself if I did it)
I kept my baby. She’s 10 months old and I’m so happy she’s here. My relationship was on the rocks. I had been feeling depressed and suicidal prior to pregnancy. My boyfriend had dumped me for a day while I was pregnant and I came to terms with the fact that I would rather be a single mom than abort my kiddo.
Her father and I tried to work things out, and it didn’t work out. So much support from family and friends though. It’s tough but I know it won’t always be this way. There is so much beauty and joy in each day.

Yes, so many hard times came. But that is life. It’s always going to get hard. Life is beautiful though.

Edit: My main point is that God can do good things, even with the most difficult circumstances. But if you chose to have an abortion God still loves you and accepts you. Don’t let shame come in between you and God if you feel that way.
