Learning 7 languages this year was GENIUS

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My plan to learn 7 languages this year PAID OFF BEAUTIFULLY!

StoryLearning Black Friday 2023 (updated):
Grab yourself a language course and get 67% off for Black Friday on StoryLearning courses in any of 11 languages!

If the above link doesn't work, this one should:

Insane 32 course bundle across 11 languages, save over $6,000!

OK if you've reached the end of the description of THIS video then you really need something to do. There are a lot of "clues" as to my next language in this video but some of them are misdirection. Give me your best theory as to which language I'll be learning and what clue you're basing it on. Get it right and I'll put your comment in the next video.
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Thanks for watching! Part 2 of this video with the answer to the question that has plagued literally four people for the last week is due VERY soon! In the meantime, don't miss out on StoryLearning's AWESOME Black Friday deals!


I'm also dabbling in Arabic, Spanish, and Swedish after getting better at French. It's been hella fun and great when I get tired of the same language day after day week after week


A cliffhanger that was for you and from you and from...deibus gallica et suecica ... the Gods of Swedish and French, love it.


The suspense! Great video dude. Must have taken a huge amount of work. Well done 👍


Is the Latin at the end a clue to it being a romance language? Your french knowledge may actually make mastering this new language easier if it's indeed Italian or Spanish or any of the other Latin descendants.


This year I dabbled in Finnish. I didn't get too far. I just learned a tiny bit of vocabulary and improved my listening comprehension. At least my motivation for my main target language sort of came back. It was getting a bit low.


I'm guessing Italian. Italian is the only language on your storylearning screen that shows a "start course" button rather than the number of courses available, which means that you had your mouse hovering over that button (about to enter the course?).


Argh! I can’t believe how invested I was in that video! You could give the show runners at HBO a run for their money…

When you mentioned Turkish at the start I was really excited. I have a ‘can get by’ level in French (but actually don’t like it so never had the motivation to continue), and like you have been invested heavily in Swedish.
Met a guy from Turkey a few years ago and have been dating him ever since, but was fully invested in Swedish and didn’t want to distract myself from that. But now I figure I’m good enough at Swedish that I can start to learn one of his languages (he’s a Kurd, so it was a toss up between Kurdish and Turkish).

So, you can imagine, at the start I was thinking we were going to be language twins! I’m even half way through Olly’s course in Turkish! 😂

I’m guessing that’s not the language you’ve chosen (proximity to Australia wise, because I can’t imagine a club or organisation forking out long distance fees, I’d guess Japanese… your son could be a master chess player or something though so what do I know?), but still. I can’t wait for the second instalment!


That ‘you are alone’ part 🤣 caught me off guard that I rewatched it a few times 😂😂


1:09 I relate to this heavily! My first language is Spanish and I can’t pick up any romance languages without being immediately bored. I’ve been in an on and off again relationship with Brazilian Portuguese for a solid year now. I (very) recently tried to pick up German but it sounds too similar to English and is starting to lose its charm on me. I took Japanese classes for a couple years and want to get into it again since it’s completely different from the languages I’m already fluent in.


So, I must have missed that video. I have been checking your channel for the last few months and thought you had basically had a change of heart and weren't going down the language content path anymore. This was a great vid. I will also use the link and try the StoryLearning Japanese course. Hopefully its easier to use than Linq, more productive than Duo, and more fun than Anki.


If it's italian, you're in for a fun time. That's what I am currently studying and I enjoy it very much. As usually with my language learning, I start out with Duolingo until about half-way, before I go over to other sources like "Easy -- Insert language here --" on YouTube, books etc.


Dude it's like watching lost all over again. Gripped all the way through and left on a cliff hanger.

Mate your driving me nuts. Give us the next video, it feels like my chest is going to explode.

Congratulations for your son mate.


You bastard!! You're getting good at this keeping us hooked thing.


“Shut up and leave me alone”
“You are alone”

UNDERRATED JOKE, that was so hilarious 😂


There’s 8 story learning courses and of those, I’m ruling out Turkish and French. You said Turkish was too niche to gain much of a YT audience, and you already have enough of a background with French that I think you’d choose something else to dabble in. I’m going to guess Japanese because 1. I think you want to take all your newfound language learning skill and apply it to something difficult to see how it goes 2. It’s the most popular refold language so there’s crossover potential 3. Japan just seems like a country where they’d host some kind of crazy international robotics competition (or similar, I don’t know that it’s robotics). Could be way off but this is my best working theory. Of course Mandarin also fulfills these 3 criteria so *shrug*. You’ve made this very difficult, Lamont!

Edit: Final answer Japanese because it's the only red and white flag (besides Turkish, which he's not doing)


I have a feeling you might be learning Turkish? You said in one of your previous videos that's you'd happily swap your Swedish ability for the same ability in Turkish. You referenced at 1:40 a part of that video.


He's right. Duolingo's study did find Duolingo effective. Really nothing to dispute there!


Please make the reveal soon? 😢 I can’t bear it.


"shut up and leave me alone!"
"you are alone..."
im sry but this exchange had no damn business taking me out💀✋
