Mars-Neptune from the Soul's Perspective

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Today, we'll dive deeper into the upcoming Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, focusing on the spiritual lessons this aspect might offer our souls through the journey of life and beyond. We'll discuss how the Mars-Neptune dynamic serves as a gateway for spiritual growth and understanding, reflecting on its impact across many lifetimes.

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Adam, your philosophical "ramblings" are always useful. Thanks for this deeper dive into Mars-Neptune and the soul's perspective. 🙏💖


This talk was exactly what I needed to hear right now. I have been struggling with being comfortable at home and enjoying my life because I’ve been incredibly strict and ambitious in my life because it was absolutely necessary for a long time, and now I have children and a husband and a lovely home and for some reason It has been so hard for me to enjoy myself and focus on my comfort and happiness, this helped me understand that it’s a skill I actually need to learn and surrender myself to. Relaxing isn’t always intuitive when you have never been allowed to.


When people change habits, once something stressful happens and you are “tested, ” research has found that the key for not falling back into a bad habit is BELIEF. That’s why AA pushes believing in a higher power because belief that you can push through is the primary difference between people who can maintain their healthy habit rather than fall back on an unhealthy habit. I feel this kind of battle and the resolution is very Mars/Neptune


Exactly what I needed to hear. I have Mars(12) sextile Neptune (2) nataly and this transit is in my 6th. I have been dealing with this moral dilemma these past few weeks, Today I decided to set clearer boundaries for how I can be present with my friend and say yes to myself and no to others. BC this is a pattern I am familiar with,
and I have a vivid imagination and strong intuition, I need to trust that I can find balance with relaxing some of the boundaries I self impose to protect myself. Thanks, as always Adam !


This is great!! I needed to hear this, I struggled with nightmares all night regarding some intimate relationships who I see as authority figures and feeling disappointed by them most of the time. I feel these spiritual soul lessons flowing through me right now. So I know I still need to continue cultivating inner strength, inner confidence and emotional strength through the use still needing boundaries with some people. It truly is like a ballet dance of coming to together, letting go but while in flow and harmony with the cosmos and I know its all working for my souls highest good but it does not make it any easier. However I am actively practicing listening, quite contemplation and meditation. That helps me as well as hearing whats not being said in between what is being said. The dance feels like moving between surrender and resistance to what is. Ok therapy session complete. Thank you! 😊


Adam, this was a powerful sharing, brought me to tears. Thank you! I can't wait for your 1st Year Course to begin.


for a long time now I've thought your episodes about Neptune are the best. Especially these two of Mars and Neptune.


This is a talk that expresses truth and guidance that in itself is powerful! Thank you Adam.🤗


Adam you've helped me so much understand my own Mars-Neptune dynamics as they both share space in my Scorpio 6H (10 Mars, 28 Neptune). When you described the person who must approve of every action, know why they are doing it, and every step, before they do what someone tells them--- I recognized myself at work, and how reluctant I am to work under someone. I didn't trust them completely. (And a healthy distrust is okay). So finding that middle ground---as you spelled out, where we aren't giving ourselves completely over to someone else, and "turning our minds off", and yet we trust them enough to be "used" by them as a way to get something greater done--- I need to find that equilibrium. Thank you!


My takeaway today is the dance. The dance between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law.
And that sometimes we adhere to the letter or to the spirit. It has to be fluid imo 👍


I've listened to hundreds of your talks and this talk today was one of the best


This conjuncts right on my Chiron at 29* Pisces in my 5H. More healing support after the Scorpio full moon hit my South Node in my 12H and Pluto creating that T-Square for quite a while. I will embrace all of it and see this transformation through. Lots to release, lots to realize as I progress in this life. Thanks for the insights!


I’m learning a lot from you. Thank you for your videos.


i always love when you bring up music, especially jazz!! :)


This was good. My mars neptune nods in agreement.


I have a kite in my natal chart- a water grand trine and a mars/neptune opposition. This video helps me understand that opposition better. Thank you!


I have a wide orb mars/neptune square and have become aware that i have come off as not needing to study, get training, guidance, practice, etc. Huge blindspot!! Neptune in h12. 😂😂 Funny but not funny, had some embarrassing moments and shocking realizations. Thanks for sharing another good one, Adam!


thank you for spending time on Neptune this month.
one visual i’ve had in mind lately is the difference btwn wearing pieces of armor or wearing chainmail, a little more flowing protection (it’s also an undergarment.)
Neptune has been pacing back and forth over my MC in Pisces for a while now and since i was born in 1983 it’s square my natal Neptune (also born under the Jupiter Uranus Conj)
My partner left me last month - his IC and Mars is conj by 2deg orb this coming Mars + Neptune mixed with my natal MC and Neptune Square. oh boy lol…i think authority, strict rules, and ideas of something “bigger but not better than us” played a role in our conversations and outlook on life, which ultimately lead to a wall (no maybe not a wall but i it’s funny even apart i don’t see how we can be friends where he suggested it right away. (this is not a negative post about an ex) #grabbed - not sure if i used the hashtag correctly


🙏🙏🙏 Super helpful! Thank you for the distinction between Mars-Neptune and Mars-Saturn. I feel the experience of both so it's really fascinating in their nuances and distinctions. The timing is awesome because I just happened to see a beautiful clip of one of Lupe Fiasco's lectures at MIT on building skills to achieve flow☺.


I have Pisces Sun, square its rulers & Mars in Sag, Thank you for this Adam, resonates deeply.
