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The list of altered Tom and Jerry cartoons is so long that it’s practically impossible to cover them all. The Tom and Jerry cartoons are one of the most censored of all time.


🤷🏻‍♂️ WHO AM I?
My name is Rich, and I'm dedicated to preserving and celebrating our cherished memories from the past. That includes classic TV shows, cartoons, movies, and pop culture. Although I specialize in content from the 1960s, I occasionally venture into other decades to explore timeless gems.

*All of the information in this video is readily available to the public on the internet
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CORRECTION: Mammy Two-Shoes is NOT the maid. That is HER HOUSE and Tom is HER CAT.
In the episode "Saturday Evening Puss" (1950) Mammy Two-Shoes goes to play bridge with the girls. Tom invites some alley cats in the house for a wild party. When Jerry has had enough of this party, he picks up the phone and calls the house where Mammy is playing cards. During the conversation Mammy says "a party? At MY HOUSE?" and she takes off home to break it up.


My favourite scene from a Tom & Jerry cartoon was where Tom and another cat were playing tennis, using Jerry as a ball. Tom runs backwards to hit a high 'ball' but ends up running through the mesh fence surrounding the tennis court. For a moment he stands there, then proceeds to break up into pieces. It's cartoon genius and guess what, I never thought for once this was too gruesome.


'THOMAS, !! You no good cat!'
One of my favourite lines from the show.


If your feelings get hurt over these cartoons, you have way bigger problems than comedy can fix…


I think it's worse replacing Mammy than leaving her in,


Here’s the problem with this. Whether you want to admit it or not. These cartoons are a part of history. When you cut out and ignore parts of history, you are doomed to repeat that history. The edited ones are fine for television. But for private collections, there is no reason why you should not be able to purchase the original unedited versions of these shorts.


and later on when the censorship happend the simpsons would follow up with itchy and scratchy


I always thought Mammy Two-Shoes was the home owner, I'm pretty sure I remember her sleeping at the house in one ep, when Tom gets drunk and chucks a pitcher of water over her in bed.


Shame that people can't make a simple cartoon without all this sensitivity.


I was born in the 70s. I am SO HAPPY for those of us who were able to see the unedited versions as children before they were changed for the worse by networks and censorship. It was a "CARTOON" for Christ's sake! Cartoons are where fictional things can happen! For people who can not differentiate this then they need help...


I never saw Mamie as anything but the owner of both Tom and the house growing up in the shorts that featured her.


Wait...the very cartoons I grew up watching were actually too violent for my tender years? I didn't see violence; I saw silliness in their attempts to get each other. And they never succeeded in actually killing each other. Furthermore, I never imitated their antics. For me, a child of the 60s, it was just silliness.


I am a 56-year-old proud free black man who grew up watching the original unedited episodes of Tom & Jerry on Chicago's FOX 32 TV channel and I LOVED them!! I'm not an easily offended person and would love to find all the original clips on DVD.


All the censorship issues aside, I think that the classic series from the 1940s remains unmatched in animation quality, sound effects, and humor to this day. To me it's still in a league of its own. I'm not sure what code Hannah and Barbera cracked when they made that series but I sure hope somebody finds out.


I have never understood why Mammy Two-Shoes has been censored from these films. As a child, I always assumed that she was the home-owner, but even if she was the house-keeper, so what? That's a perfectly respectable profession, and she was certainly the boss of Tom. She was also a hugely entertaining character: Always seen from below the waist- a cat's eye view- and brilliantly voiced by the great Lillian Randolph, her fear of mice and frustration with Tom was a high-point of these cartoons. To me, cutting out her scenes or, worse still, replacing her with a white character is surely a form of racial exclusion.


I'm 70, and I also grew up with original unedited Tom & Jerry, they were and still are the best. Being in the UK, I think we are a bit more relaxed about cartoon comedy and just enjoy them for what they are, a bit of fun, just like Benny Hill or the Carry On films, try to make them PC and they lose their shine. I've seen a few modern T&Js and they are not a patch on the originals.


Why wouldn't a child, or even an adult, watching the cartoons today simply assume that Mammy Two Shoes (who's never referred to as such in the cartoons themselves) is a Black woman living in a house? She's never seen answering to or taking orders from white people, and she only appears in a maid's uniform once (I think in the Thanksgiving cartoon); the rest of the time she's either in her bathrobe or in a house dress, or a coat if she's going out. In one cartoon, she heads for her bedroom at the head of the stairs, which is not where the maid's room would be.
Actually, cutting the character out of the cartoons is in its way even more insidious than keeping her in. So maybe she was the maid; so what? Would it make a difference if she were a French maid, or an Irish one (for a time they digitally "whitened" her, and had June Foray loop in the dialogue in an Irish brogue, which again is even more offensive)?
As for the blackface gags, okay, they may be unfortunate by today's standards. But then wasn't now. It's not hard to understand that people thought differently 80 years ago. But what's logic in the face of people having so much fun being offended?


When I bought the DVD sets of the old Popeye cartoons, they had a warning about how the cartoons reflect the times they were made in. They point out that the stereotypes in the cartoons were wrong then and are wrong now. The warning then says that removing or editing the cartoons would affect how they are watched.

They could have done the same thing with the Tom & Jerry cartoons.


Such a tragedy that these timeless hilarious cartoons are censored just because of stupid hypersensitivity to racism.


Whenever Tom & Jerry was shown in shipboard cinemas in the Roysl Navy, and Fred Quimby's name came up, the entire ship's company would shout,
