The Dirty Truth About EV’s Batteries: Everything You Need To Know

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The truth will shock you...

"Eat My Butt"
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We who run the coal fired power plants love EVs. That's job security rolling around.


I just think that it's wonderful that Congo doesn't discriminate against children for being to young to get a job, and show some responsibility


Please be sure to return your used lithium batteries to the brown shipping container, where they will no doubt be set to Africa to feed starving children...


There's nothing like the feeling of that child labor produced acceleration on my drive from Starbucks to Starbucks.


Just wrote my college paper on the stupidity of being forced to switch to electric cars. Great summary in this video. I should send this to my liberal, dumbass teacher.


Y'all forgot to mention the fact that EV batteries have a tendency to explode and go into a condition called thermal runaway, during which they are impossible to extinguish by normal firefighting methods. They emit toxic gases, and the cobalt alone is enough to permanently paralyze a human.


"we've got to get these fossil fuels phased out"
They say while their shares in battery companies and EV companies increases.


Southern California has too many poor people in crowded apartment buildings to make EVs feasible. Plus the grid cannot handle people using their AC in the summer time.


Is Kamala Harris still on this planet, I haven't seen her in like 3 years


The rush to build EVs without even a viable proposal for creating the infrastructure to build them, generate power for them and efficiently charge them all up is like building all the train engines, freight cars, cattle cars, Pullman coaches and cabooses before even mapping where the rail for the Transcontinental Railway will go.


I drive an VW ID 4. EV's blow through tires because of the weight of the batteries, I made 26k miles and had to be replaced. Tire tech guy said some Tesla's only make it to 16k miles. So going green means a huge increase in tires which are made from....


I am in the landscape industry, here in NJ there are a few towns here that completely banned gas powered equipment. Pricing was adjusted for these towns and people wonder why a fall cleanup for leaves went for 500 on average to over 3 or 4k. This video whole has hit the points I bring up when we have our symposiums every year. I feel it policies like this are systematically killing small business, making the world rich while putting the USA into more poverty. I can't even imagine the small businesses faced with this decision. Pay a ridiculous amount money to retrofit all your equipment, shop or just close up shop. landscapers close up shop and the middle class cant afford for pay the ridiculous prices that we would have to charge. Well guess what properties don't get maintained, property values drop. then crime raises, more tax pay money for police.


I worked for a Dutch Bank (in Australia), they would email every employee a Newsletter every Friday with their Investment/Funding decisions

at the same time moron Australian Politicians were arranging for coal fired power stations to be shutdown...the Bank had approved funding for 97 coal fired power stations to be built in Indonesia


I was talking with a new Teala owner the other day. They kept gushing over their NEW EV. I said my Jeep is 12 years old and has been having issues. My question to them was, "in 12-15 years, do you know what kind of problems will occur on your car? If the battery starts to fail, where do you throw it away? Do you bury it, dump it in the sea, where?" They had no answer and i could tell they really didn't care. That's the problem today. It's all about me and who cares what I do.


No matter how much fact you spit, you can't stop the agenda without brute force.


I'm always saying there is no such thing as green energy. I specifically point out how ecologically destructive mining for rare earth minerals is, not to mention the horrific labor conditions involved.


I have many friends who have packed and moved out of California. They said it has gotten so bad there, they had no reason to stay !


Didn't Al "super serial" Gore say in 2006 that the polar ice caps were going to be gone by 2016? Kick rocks Al.


ALL the mineral resources in EV cars are also used in phones, tablets and machines....


In San Antonio TX, TxDOT was upgrading a highway (TX-151)
Original plan was to dig a tunnel under an intersecting highway (Loop 1604) however, they found a cave
In said cave they found a "blind spider" nobody knew existed, they scrapped the tunnel and redesigned for an overpass
Millions $$$ down the tubes for a spider!
