No-code App Design with Bravo Studio - Course by Ethan Parry | Domestika English
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App design doesn’t have to be complicated. With Bravo Studio, you can create a native iOS or Android app, all without a single line of code. All you need to focus on is the design. Ethan Parry is a UX designer and researcher who has worked for international clients such as Meliá Hotels International, SEAT, and Dunia. He also leads workshops for businesses such as KPMG, Accenture, and El Corte Inglés.
In this online course, he teaches you how to design and publish a native iOS or Android app using Bravo Studio. Learn the step-by-step process for creating a fully-functioning app without the need for code. Ready to make your design prototype a reality?
This is Ethan’s third course with Domestika, in his first two, Introduction to UX Design, and Introduction to Adobe XD, he teaches you other important practices and tools for designing with UX in mind.
Learn at your own pace, from wherever you like, without timetables or hand-ins. Discover techniques from experts in the creative sector through top quality videos with unlimited access. Interact with other course students and the teacher. Share and learn what you're passionate about.
#AppDesign #BravoStudio #DomestikaEnglish