How To Create A Language Learning Routine | Daily Language Diary 009

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Having a great language learning routine is so important in succeeding and sticking with your language goals long term! Today I give you an overview of a system you can use to create your own learning routine that is sustainable, enjoyable, easy to follow, and helps you achieve your goals 😄

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Creating the routine is the easy part. Sticking to it, is the real test



1) Figure out when will you be studying
-both dead time and dedicated time

2) what skill do you want to work on the most
-reading comprehension/listening/ or speaking

3) list out the activities you personally enjoy that matches that skill you’re focusing on

4) get resources


At the moment I'm a university student and I can't imagine learning a language with a full time job, props to anyone doing it


I really enjoy your videos Robin. I personally let stuff wash over me.( partly because of my age ) I'm in no hurry, I learn for pleasure. I find that listening for me has the greatest effect for comprehension and memory storage. Impatience ( and we all suffer it ) is I believe the biggest impediment to learning anything especially languages.


The lack of perseverance and diligence is my weakness. So is easy distraction. Fifteen minutes does seem more feasible, however. This may be why I did better spending a few minutes doing a lesson on Memrise before starting my day, every day, when I pursued Spanish. In contrast, several years before that, I attempted Russian with a textbook from the 1960s and spent an hour or more at irregular intervals. I failed at Russian, not because it was hard, but because of my methods and lack of perseverance. I also didn't learn Spanish (much), but only for the lack of diligent persistence.

Wanting the product, but not liking the process, has long been my greatest weakness. This is likely the reason why I've accomplished next to nothing of those things I've wanted to pursue--I gave up. But an organized approach, in manageable bits, would also be extremely helpful.

Great video, Robin. Very helpful. :-)


Thank you so much for this. I have started studying Italian, and because I don't have much free time in my day it was difficult to find 'proper sitting down to study' time. Podcasts and music are a great help, especially since I can use an mp3 player at work. I use flashcards and quick Youtube videos a lot on work days, and then have decicated study time on weekends. I try to write a few lines a day in my Italian journal (so far only present tense). Also, I am lucky enough to have a few native speakers at work, so I can work on my speech and listening skills there, too.


Salut l'ami. Je voulais juste te dire que tu es un génie. J'apprends le français, mais je connais aussi l'Anglais. J'écoute ton vidéos, tu es très inspirante.Salut!


As for the format of the video, I really like the overhead and then zoom in approach. It really puts things into perspective because you're not so bogged down by the details all at once!

And you explained it really well!


I don't create targets for myself, but I will be 69 in March 2021. I am aiming to be about A2 in italian. There, I've said it, everybody knows it !! .
I will be honest and I will declare my position at that time . Watch this space as they say . Great video Robin. Thank you for the ideas.


This was so helpful! I used to fill my day with every hobby I was interested in and it just stressed me out. Making a schedule for my learning has really made it fun for me instead of overwhelming.


I think that was the right amount of information and really liked how you structured this. I like the 15 mins a day approach doing what you want to learn the most 😊


En fait, ce n'était rien vraiment nouveau, mais très bien organisé et parfaitement décrit. Et aussi votre impact personnel trés agréable (avec une tasse de café immuable!) plus votre façon de persuader rend chaque vidéo très attrayante. Merci, Robin. Comme d'habitude - bravo!


Not overwhelming, like the big picture 👍


Fantastic video. Really like this format


Thank you, Robin! I loved this video. I have been studying English for years. I had some classes with a Brazilian English teacher and nowadays I am talking to some tutors on Cambly, but I don't feel confident and I make a lot of mistakes when I speak.
Thanks for this video. I am going to do what you said.


I feel like my prayers have been answered with your channel, but I didn't consciously pray, like the universe read my mind!


Hi Robin, there are so many good points in this video. This... is... gold. Thanks!


Hello, Robin! I've been watching your videos for some time, but it's the first time that I'm writing a comment. I'd like to say that this amount of information is not at all overwelming, not too much. It's an excellent video! I find your videos in general very informative and that's why I like them so much. Please do dive deep! I'm happy I came across your chanel. I wish you all the best.


Really helpful. Though i just found ur vid this year.
جزاك الله خيرا...


Yeah, I like it. Thank you, Robin. Keep going with those great content.
