Sirian Starseeds: 6 Major Signs You Are One + Your Mission

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The Spirit Nomad content is based on a combination of my life experiences and years of knowledge gathered through online research. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. Keep an open mind, but if something doesn’t resonate, please honour that.

- Do you love animals, sometimes more than humans?

Are you a warrior spirit, yet gentle and sensitive?

Do you love simplicity and want to live a simple and uncomplicated life?

Then you could be a Sirian starseed.

Once you have absorbed the information in this video, you’ll not only know but feel the answer to the following questions:

Am I a Sirian starseed? If so, what is my greater purpose here on planet earth?

00:01 Introduction
01:15 Who are the Sirian beings?
02:43 6 signs you are a Sirian starseed
06:08 The mission of Sirian starseeds
07:06 How to know which starseed you are

Full blog post:

👽 Tutorial: Discover Your Starseed Soul Origin 👇

👽 Personalized Numerology Reading 👇
I'm Julia and I help spiritual seekers attain their full potential, peace, and purpose. Subscribe for weekly videos!
📱 TIKTOK & INSTAGRAM: thespiritnomad
📪 PO BOX: The Spirit Nomad, Office 7, 26 The Hornet, PO197BB Chichester, UK
Рекомендации по теме

1. You love animals.
2. You are shy and reserved.
3. You prefer to be in company of small groups.
4. Your trust is hard-earned.
5. You feel things deeply.
6. You care deeply about protecting nature.


Nr 1 sign when you find your tribe: you are going to cry/feel emotional/feel your heart chakra open💚


I am definitely a Sirian Starseed!! All things mentioned clicked. I love all animals but feel closest with cats. They were the chosen animal for my family since I was a little girl. I have so much respect and feel connected to all things and I have been bringing alive my healing power. I use Reiki on my sister and my cat and everyone else who would need it. I also regressed and saw I was here during the Egyptian Pharaoh dynasties. I love to be by water and in nature in general. I love to create beautiful gardens every spring. Sending light and love to all.


Thank you so much. Since a child I always loved dolphins but lately I had a huge obsession with orcas. I spend about 30 minutes in the shower because when I connect with water I start to channel in information. I had a shaman healing ceremony and the shaman said she felt the heavens open and gray extraterrestrial beings appeared to connect with me. I recently started to channel in light codes, through dance, singing and sounds.


I’m Sirius starseed and all this information is correct. 🖖💙💙🌟Thank you!


Thank you for making this video. I finally realized that I am a Sirian Starseeds ( The Universe told me) and then I am looking for signs. Yes! Boom! Everything you that you have mentioned in the video is ME!! Yes, those are my signs! Thank you very much!!😍😍🥰🥰❤❤❤


I am here to shine my light for all that are in need of it that’s my calling xoxox


Hello you are very beautiful and your channel resonates with me, I am a Starseed and a light worker, I am my origin from SiriusA, I started from water element, I grew up with dogs and I love all living things, I love Natures and every inch of this earth, I am a Registered Nurse of many Years, I am also part of the 144, 000 star-seed and light worker helping this present incarnation to 5 D, everything you mentioned in this video is 100 percent accurate, my love and my light shines upon you and all that read this message. Namaste❤


Andromedan here, but I definitely resonate with a few of those Syrian traits. So maybe I'm a hybrid. Awesome video, thanks!🙌👽👽💥


This is a brilliant analysis. I am definitely a Sirian starseed - as is my beloved twin flame. This video confirms so much that I had thought already. I actually think after seeing this that some Sirians have incarnated as animals, cats and maybe snakes even. I love what you are saying in this one.


Yay, new starseed video!
Interesting, all points sound exactly like my daughter.
Thanks for sharing


Bingo - first one though I love my dogs. They are my guardians. Love to watch dragonflies and fish. But i feel its still the reason.


according to my numbers, i am a Sirian Starseed. Everything but the deep love for animals fit to a T. I may not LOVe Animals but I've always connected with them.


Thank you my friend for bringing the light to me love you keep up the good work ❤❤❤


I am a Sirian starseed. Every single thing resonates with me. All the others seem really great, but this shoe fits.


This one resonates a LOT with me. 100%.


Definitely resonated with me. Thank you


cats/dogs drawn to and drawn to me. also deep connection to egypt


Resonate a lot with thoses signs .
Thanks beautiful soul


Very enjoyable presentation. I have had several incarnations on Sirius B. But, I understand that I am an Arcturian starseed. Thank you.
